Lending to the population is one of the most popular banking services. A loan is a real opportunity to buy an expensive thing, real estate or a vacation package. But so that payments do not hit the family budget, it is important to carefully read the conditions offered by the bank.

Step 1
For you to be able to calculate loan payments, you need to know the interest rate, loan term and amount. But often banks, in addition to interest, charge borrowers additional commissions, which can be both one-time and monthly: commission for opening and maintaining a loan account, commission for issuing a loan, commission for providing financial services for issuing a loan.
Step 2
In accordance with Article 16 of Law No. 2300-1 of 07.02.1992 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", you have the right to refuse to pay commissions under the loan agreement. But keep in mind that if you do this right away, the bank may refuse to grant you a loan. Therefore, it is better to act after obtaining a loan and paying commissions.
Step 3
First, contact the bank with a claim for the requirement to invalidate the clause of the loan agreement, which concerns the payment of the commission and return the money paid. In addition, indicate that in the event the bank refuses to satisfy the claim, the bank, in accordance with Article 15 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", will be sued to compensate you for moral damage.
Step 4
Write your claim in 2 copies, give one to the bank, and keep the other for yourself. On your copy, ask the employee who accepts the claim from you to put a mark on the acceptance of the document, date, full name, signature and seal of the credit institution.
Step 5
If the bank refuses to accept a claim from you, send it by mail, by registered mail with notification.
Step 6
In addition, in order to return the commission under the loan agreement, you have the right to contact a specialized organization for the protection of consumer rights. To do this, write an application addressed to the head of this organization, provide a copy of the loan agreement and a copy of the receipt for payment of the commission to the bank. The specialists will independently prepare all the necessary documents and work with the bank.
Step 7
As a rule, banks satisfy the submitted claims for the return of the amount of the commission on the loan, without bringing the matter to court proceedings.