As always, there was not enough money to buy an object or housing necessary for life. In such cases, the thought immediately arises to take a loan from a bank. The choice will usually fall on the bank with the lowest interest rates for the use of borrowed funds, but the banks are not stupid people. Of course, they took into account the influx of customers due to low interest rates, but instead they added payments for related services: opening a loan account, maintaining an account, withdrawal fees, a penalty for early repayment of debt, and much more.

Step 1
The bank, offering its borrower to pay for the services for opening and maintaining a loan account, thereby renders reimbursable services, charging the client with part of its costs for maintaining its accounts. That is, a client can take a loan from a bank only if other paid services are provided and this is a violation of the law.
Step 2
According to the Civil Code and other regulations that govern the procedure for opening and maintaining accounts, a loan account is not a customer account. The loan account opened by the bank is intended only for internal settlements and the client cannot dispose of it in any way. That is, the maintenance of the loan account by the bank is carried out only to reflect and record the borrower's debt.
Step 3
First of all, the borrower must make sure that he pays the commission for maintaining the account, it is quite possible that the client pays for services of a different kind - an increased interest for late repayment of debt. To do this, you need to contact your manager, who is in charge of the loan business. If he confirms the obligation of the additional payment, then you can draw up a claim in writing and send it by registered mail with a notification to the bank.
Step 4
If after 2 weeks there is no news of the refund, you will have to file a claim in court. The claim must be competently drawn up and based on the claim to compensate for losses due to the fulfillment of the terms of the contract that infringes on the rights of the consumer.
Step 5
After accepting the case for consideration, the court will most likely invalidate the terms of the contract. As a result, the agreement concluded between the bank and the borrower does not comply with the requirements of the law and other regulations and is not valid.
Step 6
The court will oblige the bank to return all the funds spent on legal costs, as well as all the paid commission. The client can also include in the statement of claim a claim for compensation for moral damage, which is most likely to be satisfied by the court. However, it will be problematic to resist a whole group of bank lawyers on your own, so you should seek help from a qualified specialist.