What To Do With Money Before Default

What To Do With Money Before Default
What To Do With Money Before Default

The whole world, and Russia is no exception, in recent years has been living in anticipation of economic shocks. Professional investors themselves are sometimes at a loss as to how best to act in a given situation. But if they are most often faced with the task of increasing money, ordinary citizens are worried about the only question - how to survive in an extreme situation of a fall in the national currency and what to do with money before default.

What to do with money before default
What to do with money before default

Buy long shelf life products

Think down to the smallest detail what your family will eat in the coming months. The default is terrible because, after the collapse, groceries and basic necessities are swept off store shelves, only then will they be sold at completely different prices. In advance, you can stock up on the freshest canned food, the shelf life of which is up to three years: stew, condensed and concentrated milk. Canned fish and vegetables are stored a little less, but they are also worth purchasing in order to diversify the diet. You also need to pay attention to cereals and freeze-dried foods, dry rations and so on. what to do with clothes and shoes? It is worth buying in advance only high-quality universal things that are unlikely to go out of fashion in the near future.

Get a new car

Auto can become not only a means of saving savings, but also a source of income. However, in this case, you need to pay attention to the quality characteristics of the machine, and not to its cost. Ideally, a new or slightly used car with minor effects so that you can sell it later without unnecessary delays.

Invest in real estate or land

If you have a decent amount of money that will be enough to buy an apartment, house or land, analyze the real estate market in your region and choose the appropriate option. Housing or land must be highly liquid in order to be able to sell or rent it in the future. Before a default, you should not invest in real estate under construction, because there is a great risk of unfinished construction.

Convert cash to precious metals

It makes sense to invest in precious metals when buying at least an ounce.

Gold and platinum are still promising investments, because against the backdrop of inflation and an increase in the money supply, their value is constantly growing, despite the economic crises. It is more profitable to buy investment (non-collectible) coins, rather than bullions, because they are not subject to 18% VAT.

Buy foreign currency

If you have loans in foreign currency, be sure to restructure your debt in rubles before defaulting. Otherwise, you will overpay the bank many times over.

The traditional way to save money is to transfer it into foreign currency. In our country, the main exchange currency is the dollar, followed by the euro. These banknotes of foreign countries are the most stable, and therefore the risk of losing investments is not very high.
