For many years there has been such a thing as a default. The default occurs due to the depreciation of money. To reliably protect your fortune from inflation, you need to choose the best way to save them without large financial losses.

Keeping money in the bank
Today, there are several options for how you can save your capital. These include: investing money in the purchase of precious metals, storage in a bank at interest, purchase of movable and immovable property, exchange for foreign currency (dollar, euro), purchase of shares.
Keeping money in a bank on a deposit with the development of a serious default will not be able to fully protect against financial losses. The thing is that with a sharp depreciation of money, in particular the ruble, the accumulated interest is not enough to cover the costs. In addition, during the economic crisis, banking structures often suffer. In the history of our country, there have been cases when depositors completely lost all their savings.
Other ways to save money
Russian rubles, if desired, can be exchanged for dollars or euros. Undoubtedly, this option is very tempting. But in times of severe crisis, there are so many people who want to make such an exchange that banks are simply unable to provide it. There is not enough currency. In addition, purchasing power will decrease during the exchange, since the economic crisis cannot affect only the ruble, it will affect other currencies as well.
Today, many experts are confident that the default, which was back in 1998, is no longer threatening us. It should be noted that when investing savings in foreign currency, it is necessary first of all to assess their stability and the situation in the world as a whole. For example, there is an opinion that an economic crisis will come to the United States in the near future. When exchanging rubles, some invest their money equally in euros and dollars, because if one of them lowers its rate, the other, on the contrary, will raise it.
One of the safest ways to save money during a crisis is to buy movable and immovable property. But in this case, there are also disadvantages. In an unfavorable financial environment, the cost of housing can fall by about 50%.
It is advisable to invest your money before the onset of default in precious metals, or rather in gold. Gold almost never got cheaper, so you need to keep money in it.
As for stocks, this is quite risky. Even during an economic recovery, this option is not safe. At the same time, the investor must be able to assess the prospects of a particular campaign or company to which he gives his money.
Thus, none of the methods can fully ensure the safety of money in case of default. The best option is investment in precious metals and antiques.