How To Name The Fund

How To Name The Fund
How To Name The Fund

Table of contents:


The name should inspire people to happily devote time to the activities for which the foundation is being created. Then the organization will not seem soulless and bureaucratic. Find a name that reflects the mindset of the founders of the foundation. Engage caring followers to help you generate ideas.

How to name the fund
How to name the fund


Step 1

Make a list of famous people who have done similar activities. Add famous heroes from other areas to the list. Don't make preliminary conclusions yet. It is important to collect quality material that will give thoughts to a good name. Do the rough prep work now.

Step 2

Add memorable events to the list that are in tune with the goals of the foundation. In order not to miss out on good options, find and analyze the list of holidays.

Step 3

Write down phrases that express the goals of the creators. Try different formulations. Do not discard options that seem less successful. Let the overall list grow.

Step 4

Formulate ideas that might inspire enthusiasm among future members and staff of the foundation. Write in short phrases about anything that seems meaningful. Reflect your vision for the future. Such verbal sketches will help in further discussion of options.

Step 5

Think of the people who were already helped by the founders of the foundation. The idea of creating an organization may be related to some facts. Add to the list the names and other details of the people who inspired the foundation's founders to take decisive steps.

Step 6

Find dictionaries related to the field of activity of the foundation. Write down professional expressions, words that may become part of the future name.

Step 7

Brainstorm. Each participant in the discussion should have the list obtained in the previous steps. Looking at the list makes it easy to come up with suitable name variations. It is advisable to brainstorm in a quiet room with a cup of tea or coffee. A welcoming environment liberates people and encourages creativity. Agree that now there will be no criticism, only ideas are needed.

Step 8

Thank the panellists and let the ideas sit back. Return to them in a few days when options are forgotten. Now make your final choice.
