How To Re-register A Company

How To Re-register A Company
How To Re-register A Company

Table of contents:


Re-registration is necessary for a company if it is necessary to implement long-overdue changes in changing its address to the actual one, add some new types of activities or remove old ones, change the name or add it in English.

How to re-register a company
How to re-register a company


Step 1

Collect the documents required to re-register the company:

- copies of passports of current participants and the chief executive officer (general director);

- TIN (in case of its absence - a certificate of its absence);

- all copies of the existing constituent documents of the organization, as well as copies of all existing changes (certificates and minutes);

- copies of registration and constituent documents of a legal entity;

- issued certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (extract). It must be no older than 30 days from the date of issue;

- company charter;

- the list of the participants of the enterprise.

Step 2

Submit the documents required for re-registration to a notary. Also attach to the above documents: a completed form р13001, a decision on the establishment of an operating legal body (minutes of the meeting of founders), a decision on the appointment of the head of the company.

Step 3

Ensure that the prepared package of documents is signed for the subsequent re-registration of the company. Signatures must be affixed by all persons who are provided (managers, founders), and there must also be a seal of the legal entity in all the necessary places. In turn, the signature of the applicant (director) on the p13001 form document must be certified by a notary.

Step 4

Pay the state fee for re-registration of the company. This must be done from the current account of the organization and certified with the blue seal of the bank.

Step 5

Submit the package of documents for re-registration of the company to the tax authorities. At the same time, after the re-registration of the company, its charter will remain the only constituent document.

Step 6

Wait a few days until all submitted documents have been verified. As a rule, this period is individual for everyone. Be prepared for the fact that some other documents may be required from you regarding the organization, its opening and development as a whole.
