What Are The Benefits Of Single Mothers?

What Are The Benefits Of Single Mothers?
What Are The Benefits Of Single Mothers?

Single-parent families are increasingly common in Russia. But most women who find themselves in a difficult situation do not know about the benefits they are entitled to by law.

What are the benefits of single mothers?
What are the benefits of single mothers?

Single mother status

According to the current legislation, a single mother is a woman who has given birth to (adopted) a child out of wedlock, if it has not been established who is his father.

A woman can be married and be a single mother if the father is not on the child's birth certificate until her spouse adopts the child.

Not recognized as single mothers:

- women raising a child on their own and not receiving alimony from his father;

- women who gave birth to a child after divorce (within three hundred days), unless it is established that the former spouse is not the father of the child;

- widows who independently raise the child of the deceased spouse;

- mothers of children, if their father is deprived of parental rights.

List of benefits for single mothers

The legislation provides for the allocation by the state of sets of underwear for newborns, as well as free baby food and milk (up to 2 years of age). Mothers also receive a monthly allowance per child.

The child allowance for unemployed mothers is 1873.10 rubles. (up to 16 years old), for working people - 40% of the average earnings.

For children under 3 years old, a single mother should receive compensation for the increasing cost of food and living (in Moscow they amount to 675 and 750 rubles, respectively), in-kind assistance and free medicines.

Single mothers have the right to early enrollment of a child in kindergarten, as well as 50% benefits in paying for it.

Subsequently, children of single mothers receive benefits for paying for specialized schools (art, music, sports, etc.). Schoolchildren are provided with free meals. Also, every year a single mother can send a child for treatment to a sanatorium or to a summer camp.

According to labor law, single mothers have the right to additional unpaid leave (up to 14 days) at any time convenient for them, as well as 100% payment of sick leave for caring for a child under fourteen years old.

Also, single mothers do not have the right to engage in work outside of working hours (weekends and holidays).

They cannot be fired before the child reaches the age of fourteen, and they are also not subject to layoffs. When a company is liquidated, the manager is obliged to employ a single mother.

They have single mothers and tax deductions in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. for a child under 18 years old.

In some regions, single mothers may qualify for other subsidies. For example, to compensate for a certain part of the cost of paying for utility services.
