Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
The calculation of the cost of work in progress is carried out at the end of the month when forming the cost price and closing the accounting period. The actual cost of work in progress is calculated using various methods, depending on the specifics of production
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
One of the first stages of creating a new limited liability partnership (LLP) is naming - the selection of the name of a new company. This is not an easy task, and there are firms and specialists for whom this has become a profession. For several tens of thousands of rubles, you can get several variants of such names
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Social shops sell essential goods at special discounted prices. This does not mean that low prices are due to low-quality goods, advertising gimmicks or price dumping. The activities of such shops are controlled by the city administration, which can operate under the Law on the Accreditation of Social Shops
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Market size, or market capacity, is the amount of goods and services sold or consumed in a certain area over a certain period of time. Typically, the market size is determined in areas of significant area (city, region, country) for a fairly long time (month, year, quarter)
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
In the most "crisis" years (2008-2009), draft beer shops began to open in Russia. Time has proven that this business is very profitable, because beer is popular among most categories of citizens. Those who decide to start such a business can be creative and organize, for example, a beer boutique or a shop and at the same time a beer bar
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Grabbing the attention of a buyer or potential client is a top priority. In the case of a successful solution, the likelihood of a purchase or order increases, attracting attention stimulates the desire to purchase a product. There are many ways to engage the buyer, which are used by each company in accordance with its type of activity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Coal is the most popular type of fuel in regions where there are no natural gas mains. Coal sale can be done by issuing documents as an individual entrepreneur or registering a legal entity if a large number of employees are involved. It is necessary - registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
It is impossible to start a profitable business without experience and talent in any particular field. In addition, you should choose products or services that really interest you, then you can properly present them to future customers. Instructions Step 1 Write a business plan and include the key steps you need to go through to successfully build a profitable business
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Any novice entrepreneur is interested in how much it will cost him to open a business, especially if it is associated with the release and production of products. The further activity of the enterprise will depend on how accurately the production costs will be calculated
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Before starting any type of construction or installation work, it is advisable to draw up a defective statement of the volumes of the planned scale of construction, repair. Without taking into account the cost of materials, services for the performance of certain types of work, it is not possible to sign an agreement with a construction and installation organization or plan costs
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
The simplest and most reliable type of business in terms of return on investment is trade. By organizing a retail outlet in the form of a small tent, you can guarantee a decent level of income. At the initial stage, you should register as an individual entrepreneur with the tax office
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Tenders have long become an integral part of competition in various fields, including construction. Participation in them allows you to make the process more transparent, and the organizer can choose the most worthy of all. How to win a tender?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Today it is possible to officially close a company with debts only with the help of a long and exhausting bankruptcy procedure. This is the only legal way to liquidate an insolvent enterprise today. But there are other, alternative options, how to close the LLC with debts
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
You are determined to quit your job and start your own business. Or have not left yet, but are just getting ready. You have a very strong desire to do business and some capital for these purposes. How and where to start, what is the first step to take?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Your business is developing, you are hiring more and more new employees. Just a year ago, you coped alone with a partner and a secretary, and now you already have a whole small office. The work must be paid with dignity, but at the same time, there is no point in paying the employee more than he deserves - just so that he does not leave
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Most aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start their own business start with a small business. They are looking for the easiest option, with a minimum investment of equity capital. One such idea is to open a kiosk to sell goods. … Instructions Step 1 You can sell a wide variety of products, or you can specialize in any one product, for example, flowers
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Attracting an investor should start with monitoring the real estate market: a lot depends on how busy it is. Once you find several companies that could potentially become your investors, invest in at least a small check of each of them, as there is a risk of unfairness on the part of investors
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
It is generally accepted that agriculture in modern Russia is an unprofitable business. But not rabbit breeding. Rabbit breeding is economically profitable. Caring for animals is simple, it does not require much time, there are no difficulties in providing the animals with food, but as a result, dietary tasty meat is on the table all year round
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
To put the constructed capital construction project into operation, it is necessary to obtain permission to put this object into operation. This permission will allow the facility to be registered with the state. The algorithm for obtaining this permit is regulated by Article 55 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
To sell an LLC, the whole process must be divided into 3 stages. This is necessary so that the tax office has no reason to refuse to register changes. As practice shows, if you try to register 6 or more changes at a time, it is more likely that you will be refused
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
The name of the club determines the subsequent development and direction of this institution. What is the name of the club? This issue should be approached extremely thoroughly, you should not take the first word that comes across. Let's look at a few standard examples
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Currently, trucking is a fairly profitable type of business, although a couple of years ago it was considered unpromising. The success of this business depends primarily on a well-designed business plan, which should take into account all the nuances of the business being opened
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
For the efficient operation of cooking, when designing it, it is important to take into account all the necessary workshops and utility rooms. Very often, the owners of cookery pay special attention to the design of the hall, under which the lion's share of the area goes
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
A business card - a carrier of contact information about its owner - today has become an indispensable attribute of well-established business rituals, which are subject to meetings of business people. The size and design of business cards are also largely determined by established traditions, rather than obeying any industrial standards
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
If you need complete control over the finances of your business, then buying a bank will allow you to get it. It is more profitable to buy a bank than to create it, because you buy a ready-made, well-oiled mechanism and do not face the difficulties of creating a bank
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Food trade is a very promising business. A small store in the “near home” format does not require huge financial investments, but with proper organization and conduct of business, it can be quite successful. Instructions Step 1 Choose a form of trade
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Opening a mini-production in our country is not an easy task, especially if you start from scratch. With a good and correct approach, it can bring a good profit to the owner, as well as provide the population with additional jobs. It is necessary - availability of start-up capital
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Gross income means the total annual income of the company, expressed in monetary terms, and received as a result of production and sales of products. Thus, it is gross income that can characterize the final result of a firm's activities. Instructions Step 1 Determine the amount of gross income as the difference between the cash proceeds received from the sale of goods and the material costs for their production
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Opening a travel agency and running a tourism business is an attractive, interesting, relevant business that requires specific knowledge and a serious approach. A specialist in this business needs to have a professional knowledge of information about obtaining a visa, buying air tickets, booking hotels and their variety, it is necessary to have contracts with suppliers-tour operators who will provide your customers with all the necessary service and travel
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Dreams of your own cafe or restaurant for their realization, in addition to the start-up capital and the concept, require competent preparation of documents. To open a cafe, you need to collect a certain list. Find a room in which your establishment will be located
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
To build a pavilion, it is necessary to rent a land plot from the city for construction. The main steps will be choosing a place, a pavilion and submitting an application to the appropriate state or municipal authority. Instructions Step 1 The first step to building or installing a pavilion is choosing a location
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
The regulation of small businesses in Belarus and Russia is similar, but getting the status of an individual entrepreneur in Belarus and starting an activity is somewhat more difficult. To do this, you need to register with the relevant government agencies, obtain an activity license, if necessary, register prices for your goods or services, and make a seal
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
In accordance with Article 263 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of a land plot has the right to erect buildings and structures on it, as well as issue a construction permit to other persons. To build a store on a land plot owned by the company, it is necessary to prepare project documentation and obtain permission from the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Urban Planning Code of the Russ
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It - a document from which you can find out such information about a real estate object as area, encumbrances, to whom this object is registered and other information
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
It is believed that making money without start-up capital is impossible, unless you work for someone. However, what if your dream is to create a business, and not work at all in the specialty received "for show"? Many people around the world have done the impossible - created a business without start-up capital and made money on it
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Gas stations are always in demand, as society is constantly in need of fuel for cars. A gas station is a good investment, but starting a business requires an expert understanding of the industry to avoid common problems that can hinder success
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
The name of your own company should be taken even more seriously than the choice of a name for a child, since there are restrictions that will not allow you to give your company any name you like. You need to be aware of these restrictions so that you do not have to challenge your right to this name in court
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
There is a lot of competition in the field of selling clothes. But this should not in the least confuse aspiring entrepreneurs who open their stores. One has only to start, and a small clothing store can become a starting point for the development of an entire retail network
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
To survive in a highly competitive environment, you need to offer demanded services at an adequate price, attract qualified personnel and create a cozy atmosphere in the salon. The amount of investment in a "beautiful business" depends on your ambitions and the audience you plan to serve
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
The number of stores selling second-hand goods has increased significantly in recent years. Many aspiring entrepreneurs take up this business, considering it easy enough and requiring minimal investment. However, everything is not so simple - your store should be better differentiated from competitors and attract as many customers as possible