It is believed that making money without start-up capital is impossible, unless you work for someone. However, what if your dream is to create a business, and not work at all in the specialty received "for show"? Many people around the world have done the impossible - created a business without start-up capital and made money on it.

Step 1
Starting a business without start-up capital in itself carries a positive moment: you will not lose anything. The maximum that bad can happen is that you will not earn anything. According to statistics (both Russian and international), out of 100 small enterprises that start up, only 10 survive. If we assume that all these enterprises were opened with initial investments (and often considerable!), This means that 90 out of 100 entrepreneurs simply lost quite a lot. large amounts of money.
Step 2
The question arises - how to make money without start-up capital? What can you open? The first to come to mind are businesses like shops, eateries, etc. In order to open them, money will definitely be required, because premises, equipment, and workers are needed here … However, often we do not see that it is possible to make money in other ways.
Step 3
A popular type of business without investment is the creation, promotion and design of sites. All that an entrepreneur needs is a computer (laptop) with certain programs. You do not need an office to receive orders and meet with clients, because this can happen via the Internet or at the client's office. With the right skills, you can work on your own, and if you don't have the skills, hire people who will work from home, accepting assignments from you. Payment - upon completion of the work.
Step 4
Other types of businesses, for example, translation bureaus, advertising agencies, can operate in the same way. An even better idea for a business without start-up capital is to create a website that sells a certain type of service. A good example was a site that brings together tutors in Moscow - The essence of this business was that those wishing to study and tutors were registered on the site, and the owner of the site selected a tutor for a student and for these services took an amount equal to the cost of the first lesson of this tutor with a student. Obviously, similar schemes work and not only in cases with tutors and students. The only possible waste is building a website
Step 5
The second wealth after money is dating, connections, customer base. For those who have acquired regular customers, it is much easier to start any business. If, for example, you have worked for a long time in the same field and acquired regular clients, then you can take these same clients with you. And this can be almost any area - from the same sites to jurisprudence. In addition, people who know you will probably agree to give you an advance payment that will help you purchase a particular product or provide a service, depending on what you need.
Step 6
And yet it must be added that in 99% of cases you will need a certain amount to start a business. However, this will not be start-up capital, but the cost of purchasing the equipment necessary for your work (laptop, website development). In addition, sooner or later the business will have to be registered, and it is best to do it earlier. It is also worth having money for contingencies. However, most likely, these can be small amounts - up to $ 3 thousand.