The success of an entrepreneur depends not only on a good start-up capital, but sometimes, on the contrary, on the lack of it. If your salary is low and you can't save enough money to start a business, think about what you can do besides your main job?

Step 1
If you have real estate for collateral, then contact the bank for a loan (subject to the presentation of a certificate of income or surety). But this path is dangerous if only because no bank will wait several years for you to establish your business, unless you convince the bankers otherwise by presenting them with a well-written business plan and reliable guarantors.
Step 2
If you have a small amount of money, not enough to start a business, but quite acceptable in order to complete any courses, be sure to take this opportunity. You can complete such courses for free, but only if you quit your job and get a referral from the labor exchange.
Step 3
Remember what clubs and studios you attended as a child. You may have attended handicraft clubs or art schools. Practice and try to recover these skills as soon as possible. Knowing how to embroider or weave well, paint or play musical instruments can help you earn start-up capital. Place advertisements on the Internet and other media outlets about tutoring (music, drawing), about the sale of embroidery items or about seamstress services. Try to advertise your services without being too aggressive, so as not to interest the tax authorities.
Step 4
Use the possibilities of the Internet and in order to find a remote job, if you know how to correctly express your thoughts, own photography or programming. There are a large number of sites on the network where you can earn decent money as a freelancer in a relatively short period of time. You can make money on the Internet even if your only hobby is cooking. To do this, you must photograph your culinary masterpieces and offer to buy recipes from one of the thematic sites. But be careful: do not purchase dubious courses and do not activate access to vacancies and job offers via SMS. There is no “easy” money anywhere, including on the Internet.
Step 5
Tell your friends and acquaintances that you are good at sewing (knitting, embroidering) or know a foreign language, understand computers, know how to lay tiles, etc. Be sure to support conversations on such topics with specific examples: a sweater knitted for your husband, an embroidered napkin, a perfect repair, etc. If you are really a master of your craft, then soon not only friends, but also complete strangers will make orders for you.
Step 6
Find a sponsor to start a business. It is better for this to be someone from your acquaintances or specialists who are really versed in the business that you are about to open. But this path is rather risky, since your business ideas can simply be borrowed without any reward.
Step 7
In some cities, government programs for self-employment of the population are also successfully operating, according to which you can receive a subsidy to start your own business. It is true only if you have the official status of unemployed.