If you need complete control over the finances of your business, then buying a bank will allow you to get it. It is more profitable to buy a bank than to create it, because you buy a ready-made, well-oiled mechanism and do not face the difficulties of creating a bank. When buying a bank, you need to pay attention to checking its documents and register it correctly.

It is necessary
It is necessary to find or acquire the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" dated 02.12.1990
Step 1
Now, unlike in the 1990s, it is easier to buy a bank than to set up: setting up a bank can cost several times more and turn out to be many times more troublesome than buying it. The creation of a bank is only possible for those who have at least 180 million rubles: this is now the minimum authorized capital of the bank.
Step 2
The first step to buying a bank is finding a bank. To begin with, the buyer needs to formulate the purpose for which he wants to acquire the bank. Then - to negotiate with several sellers of banks, find out the details and prices. Negotiations with bank sellers help to better understand your purpose of the purchase, perhaps to see other goals and opportunities and correctly formulate requirements for the bank. Do not rush to choose the bank you are buying.
Step 3
The most important stage when buying a bank is due diligence. This review is usually entrusted to reputable law firms. Verification of bank documents plays a key role, so it is important to choose a reputable law firm for such verification, even if its services are expensive. You should also contact the auditors in order to check the financial condition of the bank and its financial statements.
Step 4
The most common way to acquire a bank is to buy its shares. The size of the bank's share should not exceed 20%. Otherwise, you will need permission from the Bank of Russia. If you do not receive such permission, the transaction will be declared illegal. If you purchase 20% of the bank or less, then within 30 days after the purchase you must notify the Bank of Russia about the transaction. The purchase of a bank whose assets exceed 4 billion rubles must be registered with the Federal Antimonopoly Service.
Step 5
In some cases, you can buy shares belonging to the bank's shareholders, which will simplify the registration procedure: it can be completed in just one month, since you just have to register the new management of the bank. It usually takes up to six months to register a bank.