Investing money in gold is one of the most profitable long-term investments. For example, if you bought a 1 kilogram gold bar in October 2005 for 466,000 rubles, then in May 2011 you can sell it for 690,000 rubles. How to buy gold from a bank?

Step 1
Buy gold from the bank - it's the safest way. The leading banks in this direction can be considered Sberbank of the Russian Federation, VTB-24, Bank of Moscow. There are several ways to buy gold from a bank.
Step 2
If you purchase gold in an impersonal form, then an impersonal metal account (OMC) is opened for you, the amount of metal you bought in grams is credited to it, which is calculated based on the gold selling rate set by the bank on the day of purchase. Then the bank will simply re-evaluate the price of all grams of gold in the account (based on the book price of the Bank of Russia). Please note that a positive revaluation will be considered income, a negative revaluation, respectively, an expense. Keep in mind that OMC can be bequeathed, you can also transfer the right to manage OMC to another person by power of attorney. If you decide to close your account, the bank will issue you the cash equivalent of gold in your account according to the purchase rate of this bank, and some banks offer the possibility of issuing the metal itself, however, you will have to pay VAT, which will be 20%.
Step 3
If you purchase physical metal, that is, directly gold bullion, then the procedure is the same as in the first case, only in this case you pay VAT. In addition to the ingots, the bank issues you factory passports, for which there are individual ingot numbers.
Step 4
You can also buy gold commemorative coins of the Bank of Russia. They are made at the Moscow and St. Petersburg mints. Such coins will delight you with an interesting design; they can become not just an investment, but also an original and exquisite gift. These coins are sold in special protective capsules.