When a sufficient amount of funds appears, it becomes possible to invest them. But if this amount is not enough to buy real estate, and the interest on the deposit does not bring the desired income, the best option would be to buy bank shares.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - application;
- - cash.
Step 1
In order to buy shares of any bank, enter into an agreement with a brokerage firm. To do this, choose a reliable brokerage firm, focusing on reviews and the number of clients, brokerage turnover of the firm in the securities market. Go to the office of a brokerage firm to conclude a contract. To do this, take your passport with you. At the office of the company, write an application for a comprehensive service and fill out the client's questionnaire. Study the agreement carefully and sign it. Within a few days, the firm's employees will inform you about the opening of your bank depository account and give the details of the brokerage account to which you will have to deposit money to buy shares.
Step 2
Transfer the required amount of funds intended for the purchase of bank shares to your depository account, and transfer from it to your brokerage account.
Step 3
Call the brokerage firm with which the agreement has been concluded and give an order to purchase the required number of shares to an employee of the firm assigned to you under the terms of the agreement. An employee of a brokerage firm will transfer your order to a trader who is directly on the exchange. And also, you can apply for the purchase of bank shares by driving up to the office of a brokerage firm and filling out the established application form.
Step 4
Once the shares are purchased, your broker will notify you in writing. From this moment you become the owner of the bank's shares, and your data will be entered into the register of the bank's joint stock company. Only this data will be a confirmation that you are the owner.