Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Debt securities act as an alternative way to raise borrowed funds. Any company can place their free funds in them, for this you do not need to have a special license to provide financial services. Instructions Step 1 The issue of securities is a tool for attracting financial resources
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The concept of a security is usually applied in relation to a document that certifies some property rights, and the transfer or other actions with them are possible only after the presentation of the paper itself. Usually, such documents are filled out and drawn up in the prescribed form and in compliance with the mandatory details
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The concept of the financial environment refers to entrepreneurial terminology and characterizes the totality of economic entities operating outside a particular enterprise and affecting its ability to carry out entrepreneurial activities, earning income
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Material goals are naturally included in the number of personal goals of a person, for the achievement of which he has to make certain efforts. In the conditions of the economic activity of a society, such benchmarks are expressed in monetary equivalent, in the amount of money that is required to acquire material assets
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A credit card is an ultra-modern means of payment for goods and services. However, many are still suspicious of this loan product. High interest rates, commissions and additional payments for the issue and annual maintenance of the card scare potential customers
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A banking product is a certificate issued by a credit and financial institution to serve its customers, as well as carry out the necessary operations. What is a banking product A banking product is characterized by the presence of a basic element, which is considered to be technology
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The Federal Bank has a second name - the Federal Reserve Bank. This bank was first created in the United States, and now there are banks with this status in Russia. The word "federal" is closely related to the word "
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Have you been dreaming about something for a long time, but you don't have enough money to make your dream come true, and you have no desire and opportunity to take another loan? You can get closer to your dream in the old way - by saving money
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Military personnel and some other categories of citizens are entitled to receive housing subsidies in the form of special certificates. In addition to purchasing an apartment, they can be converted into cash. How can this be done? It is necessary - military certificate
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A grant is a form of support for a project, the ideas of which are developed and implemented by the author of the project. This type of support implies the participation of the author's personal capital, i.e. does not provide 100% funding for the project
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Common building needs include lighting of the entrance, the operation of elevators and water pumps. Previously, the cost of these services was a component of the tenants' rent, but on May 23, 206, RF Government Resolution No. 307 and the new Housing Code came into force, which changed the payment procedure
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Credit brokers are intermediaries between banks and borrowers. They help the client to choose the optimal loan offer, as well as to correctly draw up the loan documents. Instructions Step 1 When do borrowers most often turn to loan brokers?
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The plaintiff's claim for the payment of alimony, compensation for moral or material damage, as well as damage to health, is sent to the arbitration court. On the basis of a court decision, Federal Law 229 "On Enforcement Proceedings"
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Income can be obtained with health benefits. For example, go to the forest for its rich resources, and then make money by selling them. Organic products can be handed over to a special collection point or sold independently to the end customer
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To learn how to spend money correctly, you need to live within your means, measure your expenses against income and clearly understand what you need and what not. With the right attitude to money, you can improve your financial situation. Instructions Step 1 You don't have to save on everything to spend money right
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People everywhere try to save money, but for some reason not everyone succeeds. Here are some tips on how to save wisely. 1. Make shopping lists Before going out to the store, make a shopping list and don't allow yourself to take anything spontaneous until all the items are crossed out
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Payday is always a small holiday. And I want to dispose of the money earned so that later I do not have to regret the hours spent on work. Instructions Step 1 First of all, set aside at least 10 percent of the amount earned, do this with each salary
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If you are faced with the problem of earning money, and you are faced with a problem when your income is practically zero, do not panic or despair. The modern resource management system allows any more or less educated, and most importantly, one who wants to work, to find a quite worthy place for himself
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In life, a moment may come when funds will be needed urgently and in large quantities. But in the banking sector there are a lot of different organizations that provide loans to the population according to requirements, conditions and characteristics that differ from each other
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Consumer loans are among the most popular in Russia. Finance experts predict a decrease in rates for this type of loans in 2018. According to experts' forecasts, in 2018, the Central Bank of Russia will begin to reduce rates on all types of lending, including consumer lending
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If you want to see the person who is to blame for not having enough money, look in the mirror. It is your inability to manage your budget that leads to numerous financial mistakes. Spontaneous in-store purchases Chances are, when you leave the store, you find that you bought more than you planned
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Sales expenses are reflected in the balance sheet account 44 and summarize information about expenses that are associated with the sale of products, works and services. On the debit of account 44, the amount of the company's expenses is accumulated, which need to be written off in full or in part
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In the course of their activities, enterprises may face a situation where current expenses were observed in the reporting period, but no income was received from the sale. In this regard, accountants have problems with the correct accounting and write-off of such costs in accounting and tax accounting
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Business, like any other type of activity, has its ups and downs. In addition, it depends on the state of the economy in the country, and in the world as a whole. It also happens that within a certain period of time the company does not extract revenue from its own activities
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Expenses is the decrease in the economic benefits of the enterprise as a result of the disposal of assets or some liabilities that reduce the capital of the organization. In this way, costs differ from costs that do not reduce the size of the enterprise's capital and do not affect profits
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Value added is the portion of a product's value that has been created in a given organization. This is the difference between the value of products sold and purchased goods and services. Value added concept Value added is calculated as the difference between revenue and the cost of goods and services purchased from external organizations
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When buying goods on a prepaid basis, you need to know that these social relations are governed by Article 23.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". In this case, the consumer pays for the purchase, and the seller transfers the goods on time
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Vertical analysis is one of the methods of financial analysis. The technology of vertical analysis is that each item of the analyzed financial report (for example, the balance sheet) is expressed as a percentage of a certain basic item (baseline indicator)
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In the process of analyzing the financial statements of an enterprise, specific techniques and methods are used. One of the most important is the horizontal analysis of the absolute items of the balance sheet. This method involves studying the indicators of the enterprise's reporting for a certain period, calculating the rate of their change and evaluating the indicators obtained
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An innovative bank is a commercial institution, the priority of which is lending to business representatives. Funds are issued for scientific and technical development, new products with high competitiveness. An innovative bank is a financial institution engaged in long-term crediting of programs related to scientific research and development
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The surest way not to pay a loan to a bank legally is not to take out a loan. There are other ways not to fulfill obligations to the bank. Instructions Step 1 You don't have to pay the loan installments at all, just forget about the very existence of credit obligations for a while
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Article 46 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation makes it possible to appeal against an action, decision or inaction of officials, state authorities and local self-government. But how do you do it right? A complaint is a request of a citizen to restore or protect his freedoms, rights or legitimate interests that have been, in one way or another, violated
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The sale of debt to collectors is carried out if the loan has not been repaid for more than a year. Agencies can choose the most attractive debts for themselves. The assignment of rights will be legal if it is spelled out in the loan agreement
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The transfer of claims for any loans to a third party that does not have a banking license is illegal, according to the plenum of the Supreme Court (SC). If a resolution is adopted containing such a provision, borrowers will be able to challenge in court all sales of debt on loans to collection agencies (CA), as well as all transactions for the purchase of mortgage loans by AHML
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Some citizens, for some reason, cannot legally obtain a loan from a bank. The reasons for refusal to obtain a bank loan can be very different, ranging from insufficient income and ending with a damaged credit reputation of the borrower. If banks do not give a loan, then a citizen can get it from other credit institutions (microfinance organizations, pawnshops, a loan exchange, etc
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Lending is an area of the economy that any citizen has touched at least once. However, the loan settlement does not always go smoothly and without delays. In this case, the borrower falls into the so-called "debt hole" formed by late payment and accrued fines
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In accordance with the family legislation of the Russian Federation, parents are obliged to financially support their children until they reach the age of majority, that is, up to 18 years of age. Alimony is paid not only upon dissolution of a registered marriage, but also in its absence
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Refunds for low-quality goods are quite common in the life of today's consumer. If the seller values their reputation, they will refund your money without any persuasion. If the seller knowingly sells a low-quality product and, at the same time, refuses to return money to the buyer for it, a certain influence is required on him
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The current legislation allows the possibility of paying taxes not only for oneself, but also for one's relatives, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances, and also other persons. There are no restrictions for this. It is only important to understand how to make payment correctly
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Troika is a transport card that provides a number of advantages for using various types of public transport in Moscow. Not so long ago, it was allowed to travel by electric trains. But are there any restrictions on its purchase and use? Who can buy a Troika card Anyone who wants