The current legislation allows the possibility of paying taxes not only for oneself, but also for one's relatives, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances, and also other persons. There are no restrictions for this. It is only important to understand how to make payment correctly.

There are any restrictions on the scope of distribution
To date, no. Of course, there are different cases why you have to pay tax for other persons (for example, illness, death, moving to another city, etc.). And earlier, for this it was important to have a power of attorney (and in necessary cases, a deed of gift, a will, etc.) was required. Now the situation has changed. You can pay not only for any person, but also in any convenient way. And it doesn't matter where the citizen is (it can be both Moscow and Penza and other settlements).
The most common money transfer options
The innovations became available three years ago and since then have been in wide demand. Previously, paying taxes for other people was very problematic (a power of attorney was required, etc.).
Payment at the bank's cash desk (at the teller)
This is an open and convenient way for all people who want to be sure of the correct transfer of money. In order to pay the tax for another person on the receipt, you can wait for your turn and tell the operator that payment will be made from your bank card.
And then already provide the operator with a completed receipt indicating the surname and initials of the taxpayer (the person for whom you need to pay tax), the amount of tax, the purpose of payment, the date of payment. Also, the receipt must contain the signature of the taxpayer. Accordingly, it is important to check the correctness of the details so that the money is transferred to its destination.
Payment at an ATM or terminal
Taxes (including for other people) can also be transferred through special ATMs and terminals of the respective banks. To do this, you need to insert your plastic card and then follow the signs.
In order to make a payment without errors (not to pay for yourself, transfer money to the wrong destination, etc.), especially when a person makes such payments (for another person) for the first time, it is recommended to contact a bank consultant, in order to help you transfer the payment correctly.
Using banking services online (through your personal account)
The most convenient way today is to use online banking services (for example, using Sberbank online services). Such services are available from your personal account. You just need to enter your username and password, and then look at "Payments and Transfers" and then choose the payment of taxes.
Since each bank has its own transfer features, in this case the main thing is to read carefully and not transfer money until there is no confidence in the correctness of the payment transfer. For peace of mind in such cases, it is advisable to call the bank itself (for example, with Sberbank on the hotline: 8-800-55-55-55-0) and clarify whether the payment is being made correctly.
Transfer of funds through the website of the State Service
Government services are a simple and convenient way to pay. In order to be able to pay tax for another person, you must first register on this site yourself. And then choose a search by the document index or TIN, find a specific person (or enter the last name, first name, patronymic yourself). And after that, you should choose the required tax and method of payment (from a bank card).
Other payment methods
The above are the most common payment methods. But to transfer funds, you can also use a mobile bank (a special application installed in the phone), the Internet service "RuRu - online payments" - Payment of taxes. And also in other possible ways. The term affecting the receipt of funds depends on the chosen payment method.
What taxes can be paid
Almost all types of taxes can be paid now (their list is specified in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). These include transport tax, land tax, property tax, etc. And most importantly, fines for such a transfer and other sanctions for persons who pay for other people are currently not provided.