Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
When they talk about losses, they usually mean the true costs that the organization incurs due to the violation of its rights. Nevertheless, the amount of lost profits can also be received from the violator. How to get lost money? Instructions Step 1 First, calculate the income that the company could have received if the business partners did not violate the contractual relationship
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
A bank insider is a natural or legal person who has access to confidential information. Special provisions introduce restrictions that are protected by the laws of our country. If the rules are violated, persons can be brought to criminal or administrative responsibility
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For a number of years, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been closely monitoring the work of credit institutions, often restricting their activities and revoking licenses for violations of the law. One of the signs that a credit institution is in trouble is the introduction of a temporary administration in the bank
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Sberbank clients often need to call the office in order to resolve some issue or problem. For this purpose, you need to know the phone number of the security service of Sberbank. When contacting any bank, clients, first of all, are interested in the level of security of this financial and credit institution
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Bank details are in the text of the agreement that you conclude with the bank when opening an account and issuing a plastic card. You may need them when you need to transfer money from this account or, conversely, replenish it using a cashless payment
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Audit is a form of organizational control that is an integral part of the market infrastructure. It is an independent audit and analysis of the financial statements of an enterprise by persons entitled to carry out such an audit. Instructions Step 1 The purpose of the audit is to determine the reliability of the reporting prepared by the business entity, the completeness of the information presented in it, as well as the compliance of the information provided w
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
You have probably already dealt with money transfers, and you may have to do it many more times. Use the best way for you to send money. Express services are considered the most popular. Their main advantage is simplicity and accessibility
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You can make the next loan payment or repay it ahead of schedule in several ways. This is depositing cash at the bank's cash desk, using its ATM or terminal with the function of accepting cash, transferring from an account in the same or another bank
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The set of methods for checking accounts through a mobile bank depends on a particular credit institution, and the price of each service is determined by its tariff policy. Verification by phone and SMS may be available. It is necessary - telephone
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The ability to check your credit card balance depends on your bank and the range of services you use. Checking is always available at an ATM of your own or a third-party bank and during a personal visit to the office of a credit institution
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Replenishing a bank card is not only a pleasant procedure, but also implies a high share of responsibility, because banking transactions require precision and accuracy. Each card user chooses the most convenient way to replenish it. It is necessary Passport, card number, bank details, recipient's current account Instructions Step 1 The first option for replenishing a card is a transfer from card to card
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The share is one of the forms of ownership. Any natural or legal person, and even a minor child, can, if desired, become the owner of the share. Each owner of shares is endowed with the right to freely dispose of them at his own discretion, as his own property
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The global energy market is an ideal object for all kinds of manipulations. Here the price is very sensitive to the amount of supply and demand. George Soros calls on Washington to start selling off strategic oil reserves so that world prices do not fall below $ 12 per barrel
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When filling out the accounting report, you must isolate the indicators of profit from sales, sales, gross profit, profit before tax and net profit. Therefore, be careful when filling out the documentation, make the calculations accurately. The state of current affairs, planning of income and expenses of the enterprise and production volumes depends on your work
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of the banking system of the USSR is a complex issue, and in many respects politicized, which does not add to the ease in its solution. Karl Marx, who lived in the middle of the 19th century, described the banking system of his day as "
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
A patent is the best way to protect intellectual property rights in an invention, industrial design, or utility model. The cost of any patent consists of two components: government fees and legal services. There is no specific cost for the patenting procedure
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Getting a stable income is the main goal of any entrepreneur. Thus, the profit of an enterprise characterizes the positive result of its activities, which is obtained when incomes exceed costs. Instructions Step 1 The company's profit is the most important financial indicator of its activities
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Accounting profit is a positive financial result calculated according to the accounting data of an enterprise / organization. It is calculated on the basis of all business transactions for the reporting period and includes an assessment of the state of the balance sheet items
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Leasing is a special case of lease relations, and for it, as well as for lease, the general rules on the lease agreement established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation apply. But there are differences between these two types of financial instruments, for each of them has its own legal basic rule governing both rental and leasing relations
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Net income refers to a certain proportion of the balance sheet profit, which must remain at the disposal of the company after the payment of taxes and other mandatory payments. Instructions Step 1 Determine the period for which you want to calculate the company's net profit
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
In Moscow and the Moscow region, 2, 8 million citizens will be able to take advantage of the new benefit. Since August of this year, pensioners have the right to travel on electric trains free of charge. In order to take advantage of this benefit, a pensioner needs to have a social card and perform a number of simple actions
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Any pension payments are indexed by the state almost annually. People who receive a survivor's pension are not spared either. How will these payments change in 2018? The loss of a loved one always brings great changes in the life of any person
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According to the reform carried out by the state, a person can own not only his apartment, but also the land on which the house is located. But rights are also associated with obligations, for example, with the need to pay taxes. And so that you are not forced to pay extra money, you need to know how the land tax is calculated
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There are many different types of loans, and each of them has its own specifics, amounts, terms and payments. What are the types of loans? Consumer loan As we all know, these are the loans provided to individuals. In the case of obtaining this loan, the main subjects of lending are often the goods purchased by individuals
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Enterprises, organizations, individual entrepreneurs who own a land plot report to the tax office. Organizations submit a completed land tax return to the tax authority. The form of this declaration was approved by Order No. 95n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2008
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Recently, the service of obtaining an electronic signature has become available to Sberbank customers. It is a unique tool that simplifies various banking operations and promotes the development of small businesses. What is an electronic signature For the first time, Sberbank offered customers the opportunity to obtain an individual electronic signature of documents in 2014
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Plastic cards are currently used for a variety of needs: buying goods, receiving wages, transferring funds, paying for services and much more. However, before you can start using these benefits, you need to add money to your card. Instructions Step 1 Contact the cashier of the bank that serves your plastic card
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Profit before tax is the main value that is determined when drawing up the profit and loss statement in form No. 2. It consists of the company's income from sales minus the amounts of operating and unrealized expenses and income. Instructions Step 1 Calculate the amount of operating income and expenses, which reflect the receipts and payments of the company, which are caused by the conduct of business, production and financial transactions during the reporting
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
The Internet is a treasure trove of information. With a great desire and diligence, you can find almost any information in the virtual world. In addition, you can extract real money from the Internet. Here you can perform simple work remotely, sell and resell real and virtual things
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
If you have a need to find out the balance of your loan in a particular bank, you can use several methods to resolve this issue. Let's say you have already made several payments on the loan and want to know how much you still have to pay and how much you owe the bank
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The term "currency" in economics is interpreted not entirely unambiguously. In the broadest sense of the word, these are banknotes of any country used to reflect the value of goods (from the Italian valuta - value). In a narrower sense, currency refers to the banknotes of another state used on the territory of this country or in the implementation of international settlements
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Under the world currency in the Forex market and in the financial markets, it is customary to mean a means of payment with which the maximum volume of international settlements is made. Some of the world's reserve currencies are dominant. Economists from different countries agree that currencies that circulate in many territories, as well as are chosen by a number of states as reserve ones, can be considered global means of payment
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1200 years ago, when the first silver coins appeared in circulation in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, the history of the British currency - the pound sterling - began. Over such a long period, the pound has experienced a lot, but in the end it has held out and occupies a confident position among world currencies
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
When working in foreign exchange markets, for example, in the international foreign exchange market FOREX, a trader needs to know the cost of one point of change in the exchange rate. For a beginner just getting started with the trading process, quickly determining the value of a pip can be quite a daunting task
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“Blue-chips” are the shares of the largest liquid companies with stable returns. The term "blue chips" came to the stock market from casinos, where they have the most value. Distinctive features of blue chips Investors' special attention to “blue chips” is due to the fact that they usually act as a market indicator
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The dollar is one of the main world currencies. The economies of different countries depend on it. However, today experts assess US foreign policy as aggressive, and America's trillion-dollar debts as unaffordable. For these reasons and the ensuing consequences, the US national currency should face an inevitable collapse
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The real exchange rate is understood as the ratio of the value of a certain standard basket of goods to the value of the same set of goods in the domestic economy. Moreover, both values must be expressed in a single currency. Despite the differences in approaches to determining the equilibrium real exchange rate, this indicator fairly accurately reflects the state of affairs in the state economy
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
The need to learn how to read quotes arises for anyone who wants to become a player on the stock exchange. The prices of currencies, commodities and securities are constantly changing, this is the meaning of speculative earnings. So, the announcement of these prices at the current moment is called a quote
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
Knowing the dollar rate is necessary not only in order to exchange currency. The fluctuation of the exchange rate affects the state of the international market as a whole. You can use this information to invest. Instructions Step 1 The official dollar rate is set by the Central Bank of Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01
The American currency is in demand among the population of the Russian Federation. The high demand for the dollar leads to the fact that its counterfeits are quite common. In order not to fall for the bait of criminals, you should know a few simple principles by which you can determine the authenticity of the dollar