When filling out the accounting report, you must isolate the indicators of profit from sales, sales, gross profit, profit before tax and net profit. Therefore, be careful when filling out the documentation, make the calculations accurately. The state of current affairs, planning of income and expenses of the enterprise and production volumes depends on your work. Take the definition of gross profit as the basis for all calculations.

Step 1
Add up the amounts of funds received and other property, taking into account the receivables indicator. So you will calculate the revenue that you received from the sale of goods or services. Exclude from your calculations the values of VAT, excise taxes and mandatory payments. Please note that if your organization sells goods and services using a commercial loan provided with an installment plan and deferred payment, you must accept the proceeds in the total amount of receivables for accounting.
Step 2
If you are dealing with receipts and (or) receivables under contracts, and the fulfillment of obligations under them is not provided for in cash, reflect them in accounting at the cost of goods received by a legal entity or to be received.
Step 3
Establish the value of the goods that your business has received or will soon receive. Do not take into account in the calculations the amount of advances received, as well as funds received as deposits or pledges. Reflect all discounts and markups that are entered under the relevant contracts.
Step 4
Determine the cost of goods and services sold. Be sure to include in the amount the costs of all normal service and work activities. If your business is engaged in manufacturing, you have to calculate the cost of all finished products sold. If your organization is providing services, calculate all costs incurred as a result of performing the services. If you are a trader, add up the purchase value of your goods sold.
Step 5
The key decision is simple enough to make. Now, subtract the value of the received cost of all products or services sold from the amount of revenue. This will give you the gross margin.