Accounting at the enterprise requires special attention to documentation, work with it, as well as the accuracy of the calculations. Not only the current state of affairs depends on the work of analysts and accountants, but also how the company will plan its income and expenses, the volume of production, etc. That is why the basis of prospective calculations is the determination of gross profit.

Step 1
Calculate the proceeds from the sale of goods, works, products, services (excluding VAT, excise taxes and other similar mandatory payments). Revenue consists of the amount calculated in money, which is equal to the receipt of funds and other property, as well as the amount of receivables.
Step 2
Keep in mind that if you are selling goods and services, performing work, etc. on the terms of a commercial loan, which is provided in the form of an installment plan and a deferred payment, then the proceeds are accepted for accounting in the entire amount of receivables.
Step 3
Also note that the amount of receipts and (or) accounts receivable under contracts, the fulfillment of obligations under which is not provided for in cash, we take into accounting at the cost of goods to be received by a legal entity or already received.
Step 4
The cost of goods that the entity has received or will receive in the near future is determined based on the price that, in comparable circumstances, the entity would normally determine as the cost of similar items. Remember, in the calculation we do not reflect the advances received, as well as the amounts that were received as a deposit or pledge. Do not forget to take into account any discounts (or capes) that the organization has provided in accordance with the relevant agreements. The formed reserves of doubtful debts, based on accounting rules, do not affect the amount of revenue.
Step 5
Calculate the cost of sold products, goods, services, works. Here we reflect the amount of expenses associated with ordinary activities (manufacturing of products, their sale, sale and purchase of goods). Such expenses can be considered expenses arising from the provision of services and the performance of work.
Step 6
Please note that the cost directly depends on the type of activity of the company. For firms engaged in production, this is the cost of finished goods sold; for firms providing services - all costs associated with the implementation of these services; for traders, the purchase price of goods sold.
Step 7
Now subtract from the proceeds we received from the sale of goods, works, services, products the received cost of goods, services, works, products sold, and we will get the desired gross profit.