Pensioners Of Moscow And The Region Will Begin To Travel Free Of Charge In Electric Trains

Pensioners Of Moscow And The Region Will Begin To Travel Free Of Charge In Electric Trains
Pensioners Of Moscow And The Region Will Begin To Travel Free Of Charge In Electric Trains

In Moscow and the Moscow region, 2, 8 million citizens will be able to take advantage of the new benefit. Since August of this year, pensioners have the right to travel on electric trains free of charge. In order to take advantage of this benefit, a pensioner needs to have a social card and perform a number of simple actions.

Pensioners of Moscow and the region will begin to travel free of charge in electric trains
Pensioners of Moscow and the region will begin to travel free of charge in electric trains

The procedure for obtaining a new benefit

In order to reduce the costs of citizens, as well as to reduce the number of traffic jams, all pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow region were provided with a new benefit, which can be obtained by presenting a social card. At the railway station with a card, you must go to a ticket printing machine or a ticket office and ask to recode your card for free travel. There is no need to re-issue the card. After that, the right to free travel is automatically granted, however, before each trip, in any case, you will have to purchase a free one-time ticket at the box office or machine. In the absence of a card (for the period of its issuance), in order to obtain a reduced fare, you can apply with a certificate provided at the time of issue of the card.

What trains can you ride for free

Free travel for pensioners is preserved on all suburban electric trains, including high-speed electric trains and express trains (Lastochka, REKS and others). If a pensioner wants to go to another region (for example, Vladimir, Kaluga, Tver Tula, etc.), then the benefit will apply if there is a direct connection with Moscow or the Moscow region - you can learn more about this by calling the Russian Railways hotline, and also ask controllers (cashiers) at the station.

Term for granting a reduced fare

Based on the agreement of June 28, 2018 No. 77-1065, concluded between the Governments of Moscow and the Moscow Region, this benefit is valid until 2020. At the same time, the indefinite nature of the action clearly follows from the Decree of the Moscow Government dated July 3, 2018 No. 637-PP, and from the Law of the Moscow Region dated July 05, 2018 No. 8/58-P, an urgent nature can be traced - until 2021. It would seem that this issue is controversial, but in the continental system of law, to which Russia belongs, one should take into account the priority of the law of the Moscow region and the resolution of Moscow over the agreement. Since the agreement has a contractual intergovernmental nature (the parties to the agreement are obliged to comply with its terms), and the law and regulation are binding for each region, respectively.

Are military pensioners included in the benefit?

No, based on the content of the agreement concluded, military pensioners are not included in the list of beneficiaries.

Proof of regional affiliation

An important condition for obtaining the right to travel privileges is the obligation to reside in Moscow or the Moscow region. The main proof in this case is registration, which, according to the above-mentioned norms, must be exactly at the place of residence of the citizen, and not at the place of stay.
