Consumer loans are among the most popular in Russia. Finance experts predict a decrease in rates for this type of loans in 2018.

According to experts' forecasts, in 2018, the Central Bank of Russia will begin to reduce rates on all types of lending, including consumer lending. A decrease in rates on the example of Sberbank was noted already at the end of 2017, when the rate of interest on mortgages fell quite sharply.
Lending experts say that this decline was triggered by a decline in demand for loans, the stabilization of the Russian economy and a drop in oil prices. All in a complex has led to the fact that it became possible for banks to provide loans to the population at lower interest rates.
Plans for early 2018
Experts say that the beginning of 2018 will be the most favorable time for obtaining a consumer loan. This area of loans has always been in great demand, which means that the popularity factor of this lending industry will not affect the sharp increase in rates in the future. In the direction of loans for consumer needs, they predict not only a decrease in the interest rate, but also a change in other conditions. Depending on the type of consumer loan and the conditions for obtaining a loan in various banks, the average rate to which the rate will drop, according to experts, will be about 8%. Such a maneuver will make this area of loans more accessible to individuals in light of lower wage levels.
Different opinion on rates
In addition to the factors described above, the ongoing reform of the banking sector will also affect the decrease in interest on the loan. According to the reorganization plans, all banks will be divided into federal and regional. The status of a federal banking institution can only be obtained by an organization whose capital exceeds 1 billion rubles. The rest of the banking organizations will receive the status of regional and will be able to work only on the territory of the region, republic or territory in which they are registered. Depending on the level of the institution, a license will be issued to work with residents and non-residents. In this matter, a significant role can be played by the situation with "problem debts", which are not returned by the bank's clients on previously received loans. If the bank receives the status of a regional institution, it is too likely that, instead of the expected decline in interest rates, they will rise. In particular, this can affect unsecured types of loans. We are talking about consumer and microloans. After all, it is in these categories that the Central Bank of Russia has already raised the rates on reserves.
Regardless of how the situation with interest rates on consumer loans will develop in the future, the beginning of the year is the most favorable time for obtaining such loans. Indeed, even if later the rates are really reduced, this will lead to tougher conditions for their receipt. The lower the interest, the more proof of solvency will have to be provided.