Income can be obtained with health benefits. For example, go to the forest for its rich resources, and then make money by selling them. Organic products can be handed over to a special collection point or sold independently to the end customer.

Step 1
Go to the forest to collect berries. Strawberries, raspberries, drupes, lingonberries, blueberries grow in the forest area. If there is a specialized collection point for berries near your place of residence, you can go to the forest during the season and hand over the collected berries to this point. In the absence of such a place, you can sell the berries yourself. With the first option, you will sell the goodies faster, but with the second option, you will have a larger profit margin. Keep in mind that to trade on the market, you must register as an individual entrepreneur, otherwise your activity will be illegal.
Step 2
Knit birch, oak, and even coniferous brooms. You can start doing this in May and finish in September. You can always sell brooms to lovers of Russian baths. An oak broom will cost more than a birch broom. An amateur may have a fir broom. Take care of a place where you can hang brooms to dry them. For these purposes, you can use, for example, a garage, as well as a large glazed loggia or balcony.
Step 3
Collect mushrooms. This option is suitable only for those who are well versed in mushrooms. If you doubt your knowledge, it is better to leave this activity to more experienced mushroom pickers. Remember that when picking mushrooms, you need to handle them carefully and cut the mushrooms with a special small knife. Mushrooms grow in the forest until late autumn. Most of them grow after heavy rain.
Step 4
Pay attention to medicinal and beneficial herbs and fruits. These include, for example, rose hips, coltsfoot, chamomile, celandine. All these plants growing in the forest are much cleaner ecologically. Keep in mind that it is best not to collect grass in an urban area. They can be more harmful than beneficial.
Step 5
Collect nuts. In the forest with walnut bushes, you can pick up a useful delicacy - hazelnut. Unfortunately, nuts are not available every year. Wait for the nuts to turn from green and soft to brown, collect them in a bag and lay them out to dry on a horizontal surface. Nuts can be sold in the same way as berries, that is, at the points of receipt, and on your own.