A novice entrepreneur involuntarily asks the question: where to find an idea for a business. The market for services and goods is so crowded that there is little to surprise the consumer, but if you think about it, you can conclude that there are still a lot of unaffected areas. The main thing is to look in the right direction!

Step 1
Look around, look around you. For example, Lance Fride, sitting at home and watching the windsurfers out of the window, decided to create a player with which he could dive under water. And Arthur Blank took a closer look at the company he works for and with his friend set up a home repair assistance business. Perhaps an unused idea is right in front of you, but you do not focus on it.
Step 2
To find an idea, you can turn to the experience of American entrepreneurs. Naturally, contacting them directly will be problematic and costly. Therefore, use the worldwide global network. Here you can also find the approximate costs, income and payback period of the project.
Step 3
Try to find an idea in the direction that interests you. For example, if you love children, and besides, you have a pedagogical education, it would be inappropriate to open a company that organizes weddings, for example. You might want to consider the idea of starting a business that involves organizing children's events.
Step 4
Conduct market research in the city where you want to do business. To do this, you must first look at the age level of the population in the region. Let's say your city is dominated by young people. In this case, it is advisable to open some kind of entertainment establishment.
Step 5
Take a close look at the goods and services offered by organizations. Turn on your fantasy. Let's say there are many different theaters in your area - drama, music, puppet theater, etc. After doing market research, you have found that there are many deaf people in your area. Organize a theater for the deaf.
Step 6
If you cannot come up with something new, contact franchising, that is, acquire the right to use the trademark from a well-known company. Along with this right, you will be required to comply with pricing and advertising policies.