Expanding businesses need new clients. However, how to find them, especially if there are a lot of companies working in your field? First, find your specialization and acquire a certain uniqueness. Secondly, use a variety of ways to attract customers - from direct search for them through acquaintances to advertising on the Internet.

Step 1
The profitability of a business directly depends on its customers. However, in some areas of business it sometimes happens that there are simply not enough clients for all companies. In this case, you can and should think about the strengths and weaknesses of your business. Perhaps your problem is that starting a business, you took on the provision of almost any service from your field. Thus, you have gained versatile experience, but have not acquired specialization and therefore uniqueness.
Step 2
Think about what your specialists do best. For example, if you have a law firm, then you probably have a specialist in arbitration, corporate law, real estate, etc. Which of these specialists is the strongest and most active, able to take on the maximum work in the first time after your "restructuring" of the business? And are the services that he is able to provide to clients in sufficient demand? It is worth choosing several such strong specialists and forming one or two highly specialized practices, where to hire new people later. Accordingly, after that it is important to change positioning - to be no longer a company that does everything in a row, but, for example, a company that specializes in corporate disputes.
Step 3
Regardless of whether you have a specialization, finding new clients is impossible without advertising. Advertising may not always mean radio commercials, banners on the Internet. Quite often, the best advertisement is word of mouth. do not forget to mention in front of your friends who you are and what you do, hand out business cards. If your services are not needed by them, then perhaps their acquaintances will need them. Discussion of your company on the Internet in professional forums will also help - sometimes those who need certain services come there, understand a little about them, but are not a specialist. Create and promote your website. It should be user-friendly, easy to use, and informative. Hire promoters to distribute flyers advertising your company in places where your potential customers can meet: for example, at business centers, universities. In principle, the best advertising method is the one that will be most accessible to your target audience (young people will be interested in advertising on social networks, but older people are unlikely).