Legal entities - enterprises, organizations, various institutions and banks in the course of their activities are in constant communication with each other. Business communication is carried out through a variety of documents: letters, requests, requests, payment orders, etc. The legal validity of such documents is confirmed by their details.

What are the requisites
Requisites - from the Latin requisitum - "necessary", is a set of information and data established by the standards for this type of documents, without which this type of documents will not have legal force and cannot be considered a basis for transactions and transactions. In other words, no matter how officially the document is called, if it does not have the required details, it can be considered just a piece of paper, to which no one is obliged to react. Therefore, the details must be indicated on any document.
Some details are indicated only on documents of one type, and some are required for any business document. The latter include: the name of the organization, the date of the document and its name. In the name of the organization, it is necessary to indicate its short and full name in accordance with the constituent documents, organizational and legal form. The date of preparation of the document is indicated in both digital and verbal-digital form. The name of the document is indicated in all cases, the only exception is a business letter.
In addition to the mandatory ones, accounting, banking special details set for one type of documents are used. Accounting documents indicate: name and address of the enterprise; his bank details; indication of the parties to the transaction - participants in the business transaction; its name, content and basis; the value of the transaction in cash or in kind.
Bank details include: number of the company's current account; the name of the bank in which it is served and its address; bank code - BIK and its correspondent account. The bank details must also indicate the TIN of the enterprise and the bank, KPP and OKPO codes.
Placing details in the document
Each attribute in different types of documents has its own field for placement. The composition of the details and the requirements for their design in each case are established by the standards. Details, consisting of several lines, are printed with one line spacing. The requisites are separated by two or three line spacing between each other.
The same applies to the forms of documents for which special requirements for their production, accounting and storage are provided, especially for those on which the State Emblem of the Russian Federation is reproduced, as well as the emblems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This measure is necessary, since the details indicated on the forms make them a legally binding document, which fraudsters can use.