Common building needs include lighting of the entrance, the operation of elevators and water pumps. Previously, the cost of these services was a component of the tenants' rent, but on May 23, 206, RF Government Resolution No. 307 and the new Housing Code came into force, which changed the payment procedure. Now citizens are required to pay a separate amount for the ONE, which calculates depending on whether there are general and individual metering devices.

Step 1
Determine the volume of actually consumed electrical energy or other communal resource for the billing month in an apartment building, according to the indications of a common metering device.
Step 2
Calculate the total amount of consumed electricity or other communal resource during the billing period in residential or non-residential premises that are equipped with metering devices, according to the readings of these individual devices. Determine the amount of utility resources consumed during the reporting period in rooms that are not equipped with metering devices. The calculation is made on the basis of the norms for the consumption of utilities defined in the legislation.
Step 3
Write down separately the amount of a particular utility resource that is consumed by a particular apartment. If the room is equipped with a metering device, then actual readings are taken, and consumption standards are used for unequipped rooms.
Step 4
Find out the tariff for this utility resource, which is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for this territorial object. This value can be found in the department of housing and communal services of the district to which the residential building is assigned, as well as in the Directorate of a single customer or in a single information and settlement center.
Step 5
Calculate the total consumption consumption and ONE payable by a specific apartment. To do this, it is necessary to divide the actual expense for the general house metering device by the amount of expense for the premises that are equipped and not equipped with metering devices. Multiply the resulting value by the volume of the utility resource for a particular apartment and by the amount of the utility tariff. Calculate the share of ONE for this apartment by subtracting the individual consumption in it from the obtained value.