
How To Check Your Personal Account

How To Check Your Personal Account

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Depending on the bank and the range of services that the client uses, several methods of checking the account may be available: via the Internet, by phone, by SMS and during a personal visit to the bank. If the account is attached to a bank card, you can check its balance through an ATM of your own or a third-party bank, but in the second case, the service may be paid

What Is Debit And Credit

What Is Debit And Credit

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Debit and credit are concepts used in accounting. Debit is the left side of the account, derived from the Latin word for "must". The right side of the account is called a loan and comes from the Latin - "to believe". This designation of the parties to the account has developed historically

What Is The Loan Price

What Is The Loan Price

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The price of a loan is the main criterion for choosing a loan proposal by a borrower. This is a monetary expression of payment for the use of borrowed money, which reflects the amount of overpayment for a loan. What determines the price of the loan The cost of a loan is closely related to the principle of repayment of credit relations, since the bank receives income when issuing a loan

What Is A Deposit Account

What Is A Deposit Account

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

A deposit is a personal account that is opened at the request of a bank client. You can place an unlimited amount of funds on deposit accounts, while choosing the most profitable programs and terms. The meaning of a deposit account By opening a deposit account with a bank, the client independently chooses the conditions from the possible range of services offered

Bank Opening: Toll-free Hotline

Bank Opening: Toll-free Hotline

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Otkritie Bank's hotline is appreciated among users for the speed of operators' responses and for providing full information of interest to customers. In the contact center, you can get information about all the bank's products, special offers, as well as use urgent services, for example, card blocking

How To Fill Out The Declaration Electronically

How To Fill Out The Declaration Electronically

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

In the tax office, the declaration must be filled out electronically and entered in a specific program. You can download the program "Declaration 2010" on the Internet at the link The program changes every year, and you need to download a new declaration every reporting year

Is There A Commission When Withdrawing Money From A Sberbank Deposit

Is There A Commission When Withdrawing Money From A Sberbank Deposit

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

You are a depositor of Sberbank, and before the end of the term of the deposit, you suddenly need money. Should I withdraw funds from the deposit? Will you have to pay a commission to the bank? In fact, you don't have to. But in percentage you will lose

For What They Take A Commission When Withdrawing Money From An ATM

For What They Take A Commission When Withdrawing Money From An ATM

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Often, cash withdrawals from an ATM are accompanied by the debiting of a certain amount of funds from the card account. At the same time, the fact of withdrawing the commission, and especially its size, becomes an unpleasant surprise for the cardholder

How To Rewrite A Personal Account

How To Rewrite A Personal Account

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

If the person to whom the personal account of this living space is registered is discharged or moves to another apartment, then a situation may arise in the need to rewrite the costs of paying for utilities to another family member. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements that are presented by the housing policy

How To Transfer Money By Mail

How To Transfer Money By Mail

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Postal transfer is relatively slow, but it is a proven way of transferring funds from one person to another. This service is provided to individuals in almost any post office. Instructions Step 1 Call the Almost Russia help desk at 8-800-2005-888 (free call even from a mobile phone, provided that the subscriber is in the Russian Federation) and ask your consultant for the current cost of transferring the amount you want

How To Make Money On Maternity Leave

How To Make Money On Maternity Leave

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The appearance of a toddler brings great joy to the family. However, the baby needs not only parental love, but also a lot of things, which leads to increased costs. Income, if the mother worked before the decree, is significantly reduced. Therefore, an increasing number of women are thinking about earning money while on maternity leave

What Are Dividends

What Are Dividends

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Dividends are a portion of a company's profits that is paid to its shareholders. If the company grows and develops, makes a profit, then it gives part of it to the owners of shares who have the right to receive income on them in proportion to the share owned by each investor

How To Apply For An Income Tax Refund

How To Apply For An Income Tax Refund

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Every person who receives income is required to pay income tax on a monthly basis. However, according to legal regulations, it is possible to reduce taxable income in some cases. Throughout the year, income tax is deducted from wages, by the end of the year the amount is quite impressive, but if some part of the income was spent on tuition fees, life insurance, home purchases or mortgage interest payments, the tax authorities can return the difference

How To Connect "Thank You" From Sberbank To "Sberbank Online"

How To Connect "Thank You" From Sberbank To "Sberbank Online"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

"Thank you" is a unique bonus system from the main bank of the country, which allows you to receive bonuses from every purchase made with the card. Clients have the opportunity to connect "Thank you" from Sberbank to Sberbank Online

How To Create A Balance Sheet

How To Create A Balance Sheet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Filling out form No. 1 is the final chord in the creation of the company's reporting for the past period. The rules for filling out and the structure of the form change periodically, so it is important to always be aware of the latest changes

How To Draw Up A Balance Sheet From A Turnover Sheet

How To Draw Up A Balance Sheet From A Turnover Sheet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The turnover sheet is a summary of turnovers, as well as balances (balances) of accounts for a certain period. It can be compiled separately for synthetic or analytical accounts. In this case, data for turnover sheets, as a rule, are taken from accounting accounts, where turnovers are calculated and new balances are displayed

How To Pay The Consular Fee

How To Pay The Consular Fee

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

When applying for a visa to travel abroad, a person must pay a consular fee. The embassy gives this money for the manufacture of stamps, which are used to mark in the passport. You can make a payment in different ways. If you decide to apply for a visa yourself, you can pay the consular fee at the box office of the embassy of the foreign country you want to visit

How To Open A Subaccount

How To Open A Subaccount

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

A subaccount is a correspondent account that is opened for a bank or credit institution in another credit institution or in a subdivision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. These accounts do not actually differ from the current accounts of legal entities and individuals

How To Cash Out Money At Sberbank

How To Cash Out Money At Sberbank

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Cash withdrawal by a legal entity is an integral part of its activities. Cash is spent on wages, business expenses, payments to suppliers, etc. In order to cash out money at Sberbank, you need to prepare in advance for this procedure. It is necessary - identity document

How To Cash Out

How To Cash Out

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Any company periodically needs to withdraw funds from its current account. Cash is spent on wages for employees, household needs, settlements with suppliers, etc. In order to withdraw money from the current account, it is necessary to prepare a package of bank documents in advance

How To Open The Momentum Card

How To Open The Momentum Card

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Instant issuance cards Momentum Visa Electron and Maestro allow you to pay for purchases in the Russian Federation, as well as withdraw cash. Their undeniable advantage is their free service. It is necessary - passport; - application form for a debit or credit card

How To Calculate Monetary Aggregates

How To Calculate Monetary Aggregates

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Monetary aggregates are a grouping of bank items according to the degree of decrease in the liquidity of funds in these accounts, i.e. by their ability to quickly turn into money. The faster the funds on the accounts go into monetary form, the more liquid the aggregate is

How To Pay With Credit Cards

How To Pay With Credit Cards

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

A credit card can be used to pay for a purchase through a special device called a POS terminal or a form of payment on an Internet site. This is convenient, as it eliminates the need to carry cash with you, especially large amounts, and when paying via the Internet - make purchases, but leaving the computer

How To Get Money By Transfer

How To Get Money By Transfer

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Even being thousands of kilometers away from home, a person always counts on the support of family and friends, and with the advent of an extensive money transfer system, it has become very easy to be around. All that is needed in order to show concern and participation is to contact the nearest post or bank office, present an identity document and fill out a money transfer form

How To Calculate Compensation For Deposits

How To Calculate Compensation For Deposits

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive compensation for pre-reform deposits by contacting a branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. In this case, you must have a certain package of documents with you. Before contacting the bank, it is advisable to independently calculate the compensation for deposits

How To Get Compensation For Deposits

How To Get Compensation For Deposits

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

In 1996, the government of the Russian Federation made a decision to partially restore the money savings of the population lost during the period of reforms by starting to pay preliminary compensation. Its procedure and conditions have changed several times

Why Are Numbers On Banknotes

Why Are Numbers On Banknotes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Bank of Russia tickets are the official name of all banknotes in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation. Each of them has its own number, which performs several functions at once. Number on the banknote The issue of currency, which is a means of payment in a particular country, is always strictly controlled by the state

How Much Do Coins Weigh

How Much Do Coins Weigh

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

In ancient times, a weighty wallet with an abundance of coins could be estimated only by its weight, because each coin had exactly as many grams as its denomination meant, and it was not accepted to put different coins in one bag. Today everything has changed, coins of the same denomination can have different weights

Where Did The 10 Rubles Banknotes Go?

Where Did The 10 Rubles Banknotes Go?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

For several years the Bank of Russia has been trying to withdraw ten-ruble bills from circulation, replacing them with coins. For the first time, the termination of the issue of paper ten-ruble notes was announced back in 2009. It was assumed that by 2011 only metal ducats would be in circulation

How To Find Out How Much Coins Are Worth

How To Find Out How Much Coins Are Worth

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Numismatics is one of the most widespread hobbies. It is quite difficult to collect a good collection, the necessary coins can be exchanged or bought. In order not to overpay for a purchase or exchange a coin for a much less valuable one, you need to know its real market value

How To Buy And Sell Gold Or Silver Bars

How To Buy And Sell Gold Or Silver Bars

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Many people choose to invest their savings in purchasing metals. Today, bullion of precious metals can be purchased at banks in the country, which in the interests of the client have the right to buy and sell them. Prices in all financial institutions are different and can vary in a fairly significant range

How To Buy Gold Coins From Sberbank

How To Buy Gold Coins From Sberbank

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

With the instability of the economy and fluctuations in the exchange rate, a person thinks about how to save his money savings. Since ancient times, the accumulated funds have been invested in precious metals (platinum, gold, silver) and stones, because precious metals and stones will always be in price

How To Determine The Price Of A Coin

How To Determine The Price Of A Coin

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Only an experienced collector or professional appraiser of antiques can accurately determine the price of a particular antique coin. For this, an ordinary person needs to be guided by some important rules. Instructions Step 1 If you want to determine the value of any old coin, first carefully look through the most famous coin catalogs

What Are The Valuable Coins

What Are The Valuable Coins

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Coins, like any relic of a certain period, carry history and some value, and the most ordinary, at first glance, specimen can have a significant value. Sometimes the difference between a valuable coin and an ordinary one can consist of only one letter or comma, and only a qualified numismatist can recognize it

What Year Are Coins Valued

What Year Are Coins Valued

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Numismatics is one of the most interesting hobbies, many people do not part with it all their lives. When assembling a collection, you need to be well versed in the cost of coins - this will allow you to make profitable purchases and not make too much money when selling unnecessary copies

How To Open A Gold Account

How To Open A Gold Account

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Gold has long been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In the past, having a solid precious stock made a person a respected and influential person. Most of the treasures were jewelry and household items. The days of the "gold rush"

Depersonalized Metal Account

Depersonalized Metal Account

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Depersonalized metal account is an account that records non-personalized precious metals (in grams), without specifying specific signs of measured ingots (number of bars, sample, manufacturer, serial number). A metal account can be opened in precious metals such as:

How To Buy A Gold Bar

How To Buy A Gold Bar

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Investing in gold bars is a time-honored means of preserving your savings. Gold has a high liquidity, and with the rise in world prices for precious metals, the ingot can generate income. Instructions Step 1 Choose a major bank that is licensed to sell bullion in precious metals

How To Sell Gold To Sberbank

How To Sell Gold To Sberbank

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The branches of Sberbank of Russia purchase gold bars from the population. It is possible to sell gold to this credit institution subject to special rules approved by the bank's internal act. The rules for selling gold bars to Sberbank are determined by a special internal regulatory document of this credit institution, which should be studied before applying for a transaction

Why Do We Need Commemorative Coins From Sberbank

Why Do We Need Commemorative Coins From Sberbank

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

In recent years, there has been an increase in interest among Russians in purchasing commemorative coins at Sberbank. Collectible coins, as a rule, are dedicated to some important event in the history of Russia, for example, the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Olympics in Sochi