Is There A Commission When Withdrawing Money From A Sberbank Deposit

Is There A Commission When Withdrawing Money From A Sberbank Deposit
Is There A Commission When Withdrawing Money From A Sberbank Deposit

You are a depositor of Sberbank, and before the end of the term of the deposit, you suddenly need money. Should I withdraw funds from the deposit? Will you have to pay a commission to the bank? In fact, you don't have to. But in percentage you will lose. And how much depends on the terms of the deposit.

Is there a commission when withdrawing money from a Sberbank deposit
Is there a commission when withdrawing money from a Sberbank deposit

Why the bank does not encourage early withdrawal of deposits

If you have a bank deposit for a certain period, then you should take the money back on the date specified in the agreement. For this, you receive income in the form of interest. To withdraw money earlier, you will have to terminate the agreement with the credit institution.

As noted above, Sberbank will not be punished by a commission for such a step. The amount invested by you will remain entirely with you. But the bank will recalculate the interest. You will receive money either at a reduced or even at a symbolic "demand" rate.

Why? For you, your money will simply lie in the account. And the bank, meanwhile, invests funds: for example, it will issue in the form of loans. Thanks to this, the financial institution receives income, which it shares with you. If you withdraw money earlier, then the opportunity for the bank to make money with your funds stops.

What we lose in case of early closing

At the end of February 2018, the following term deposits are active in Sberbank: the "Save", "Replenish", "Manage" deposits and online analogues of these deposits. They can be opened for any period convenient for the client, ranging from one to 36 months. There is also a contribution "Give Life" for a period of one year.

If you need early issuance of one of these deposits for up to six months, Sberbank will accrue income at a rate of 0.01%. That is, your profit will be negligible. In practice, you will only get your deposit back back.

If the term of the deposit agreement is more than six months, but the money has been in the bank for less than this term, then they will give the same 0.01%. But if you take such a deposit after six months, then you will save most of the interest income. It will be calculated at a rate equal to two-thirds of the original rate of your deposit.

In addition, interest will be paid without taking into account capitalization. That is, if the accrued income has already been added to the deposit amount, new interest will not be charged on this additional amount.

If you have withdrawn interest during the term of the deposit, then in case of early termination, the bank will withhold the amount paid. The same will happen if the transfer of income from the deposit went to your card.

Prolonged deposits

And now an important positive point. If you terminate the deposit agreement after its prolongation, then you will lose interest only for the last prolonged period.

Let's say you have a deposit for a year. You do not pick it up on the day the contract ends. Then the bank charges you interest for the entire period and extends the deposit for the same time.

But after another couple of months, your financial situation changes, you need money. You go to the bank and close the deposit. The credit organization recalculates interest to you at a lower rate, but only for the last days of the new (prolonged) term. The income for the first full term remains with you in its entirety, as well as the initial amount of the deposit.

Pension Plus

Separately, it should be noted the conditions for the early termination of the contribution for pensioners "Pension Plus". This deposit is opened for three years, but you can replenish it and take money from it with almost no restrictions. At the same time, the rate remains constant - 3.5% per annum in rubles (at the end of February 2018).

The client's income will be preserved even if he decides to close the deposit earlier than the agreed period. The only thing is, he will lose interest capitalization.

Perpetual deposits

Perpetual deposits of Sberbank are “On Demand”, “Savings Account”, “Universal Sberbank of Russia”. Their terms mean that you can withdraw money or deposit new money at any time. Of course, no commission should be charged.

Deposits and withdrawals from perpetual deposits do not affect the amount of interest. However, such accounts are not opened for income (the percentage is very low). Their function is to receive and send transfers, make settlements, and store funds.
