The branches of Sberbank of Russia purchase gold bars from the population. It is possible to sell gold to this credit institution subject to special rules approved by the bank's internal act.

The rules for selling gold bars to Sberbank are determined by a special internal regulatory document of this credit institution, which should be studied before applying for a transaction. Thus, the branches of this bank accept for purchase only those bars that are in excellent or satisfactory condition. An excellent condition is recognized as the absence of any defects on the surface, the purity of the ingot itself and the presence of a certificate from the factory that produced this ingot. The presence of these shortcomings gives grounds for recognizing the satisfactory condition of the ingot, provided that such defects do not affect the weight of the ingot, do not violate its integrity. Also, the satisfactory condition of the ingot is revealed in the presence of certain deficiencies in the manufacturer's certificate (tears, extraneous marks, contamination).
What documents are required to sell gold to Sberbank?
In addition to the manufacturer's certificate, the seller of the gold bar must present an identity document. As such a document, the bank accepts a general civil passport, a temporary identity card, a serviceman's certificate and any other documents that, in accordance with current legislation, can certify the identity of a citizen of Russia. No other documents are required for the sale of a gold bar, so their requests from a specialist of a credit institution will be unfounded.
What bars cannot be sold to Sberbank?
In certain cases, Sberbank of Russia may refuse a citizen to purchase a gold bar. These situations include the absence of a manufacturer's certificate confirming the origin of this ingot, as well as a high degree of corruption of this document, which does not allow establishing its content. If the weight, geometrical parameters of the gold bar do not correspond to the approved state standards, then the seller also refuses to complete the transaction. In addition, refusal is possible when the authenticity of the ingot does not cause any doubts, but the existing defects and damage caused a violation of the mass of the said ingot. That is why, before contacting a specific branch of this bank, it is recommended to check the existing ingot for compliance with all the requirements.