Filling out form No. 1 is the final chord in the creation of the company's reporting for the past period. The rules for filling out and the structure of the form change periodically, so it is important to always be aware of the latest changes.

Step 1
The balance sheet of an enterprise characterizes its financial condition at a specific reporting date. There are several conditions that must always be observed when drafting it.
Step 2
If for some balance sheet items there are no numerical values of liabilities, assets, expenses, income and other indicators, then the cells are crossed out, or the lines are not shown at all in the forms that the company develops independently.
Step 3
If some indicators are very significant and are needed to assess the financial results of an enterprise by interested users, then they are given separately. Insignificant indicators can be given as a total. Their structure is revealed in the explanatory note.
Step 4
The reporting date of the balance is the last day of the year or quarter, that is, the reporting period for which it is composed.
Step 5
When filling in liabilities and assets must be divided into long-term short-term. Long-term liabilities and assets are considered to have a maturity (circulation) period of more than 12 months from the date of the reporting date or more than the operating cycle of the enterprise if it is longer than 12 months.
Step 6
Rounding must be done up to thousands of rubles. For this reason, a discrepancy between the total lines of assets and liabilities by 2 thousand rubles is allowed.
Step 7
Filling procedure:
In the 3rd column, indicate the data at the beginning of the reporting period. They are taken from column 4 of the balance sheet of the previous annual report.
Section I. Non-current assets
In lines 110-112, indicate the residual value of the intangible assets for which depreciation is charged and the full value of intangible assets related to the housing stock. When filling out these lines, be guided by Form No. 5.
In lines 120-122, enter the data for the active and mothballed fixed assets. Calculate depreciation according to uniform depreciation rates. Reflect the cap here. investments. The means of labor are classified as fixed assets in accordance with the limit for the value of items established on January 1, 1996. Give the decoding of the OS in the form №5.
In line 130, enter the cost of all construction in progress. Be guided by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 130 of 19.12. 95 g; PBU No. 160 of 12/30/93; PBU No. 167 dated 20.12.94.
In the section "Long-term financial investments" (line 140), reflect investments in securities and authorized capital of other organizations.
In the II section of the balance sheet (current assets), information is entered on all funds invested in production, which must turn into money for a year or an operating cycle. Section III contains information about the company's liabilities. Sections IV and V reflect long-term and short-term liabilities, that is, the accounts payable of the enterprise.
Step 8
Off-balance sheet accounts reflect the value of valuables that the company uses temporarily.
Step 9
Checking the correctness of filling out the form No. 1:
1. The amounts of assets (I and II sections) and liabilities (III, IV and V sections) must be equal.
2. Own funds must be greater than the value of non-current assets.
3. The total amount of working capital must be greater than the amount of borrowed funds.