Gold has long been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In the past, having a solid precious stock made a person a respected and influential person. Most of the treasures were jewelry and household items. The days of the "gold rush" are long gone, but people still often keep their savings in shiny bullion. However, the most knowledgeable citizens in financial matters prefer metal bank deposits.

It is necessary
- - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document replacing it;
- - TIN certificate;
- - certificate for a gold bar;
- - passport of the gold ingot manufacturer.
Step 1
Select the bank with which you will open an account. Make sure that he has a special permit (license) from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to conduct operations with precious metals. The list of licensed credit institutions includes Sberbank, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow, Rosbank, Promsvyazbank, etc. Metal deposits are not subject to the requirement of Russian legislation on compulsory insurance of citizens' deposits. By placing your savings in an unverified financial institution, you risk losing your money.
Step 2
Find out what types of "gold" deposits the bank offers. The law provides for two options: metal accounts for safekeeping and depersonalized metal accounts. In the first case, the bank accepts from the client a very specific gold bar with a fineness, serial number, manufacturer's details, etc. On an impersonal account, a certain amount of metal is taken into account without the presence of specific signs. In essence, such a deposit is analogous to a regular cash deposit in any currency.
Step 3
Bullions purchased directly from the bank at the time of opening a deposit or stored at the client's home are accepted to metal accounts for safekeeping. For gold purchased from another credit institution, you must provide a certificate and a passport of the manufacturer. In addition, the ingot must have a perfect appearance.
Step 4
Depersonalized metal account is a more convenient form of keeping savings. To open it, an individual will need to conclude a special agreement with the bank and deposit a certain amount of money at the cash desk. Read the text of the document carefully. It must set the term of the deposit, the conditions for closing it, the weight of the gold placed on the account, its value on the day of purchase. To conclude an agreement, you need to present to the bank employee a passport or a replacement document and a TIN certificate.
Step 5
Find out if the bank will pay you income in the form of interest on the deposit. Not all credit institutions provide this opportunity. Also, ask if you can replenish or withdraw money in installments.
Step 6
Specify what additional costs associated with servicing the deposit you have to pay and in what amount. Most often, banks do not charge a commission for maintaining metal accounts. Please note that VAT is not charged when you deposit money on an impersonal “gold” deposit. You will have to pay 18 percent tax only if, after closing the deposit, you want to get your hands on not money, but an ingot of metal.