Usually, a passbook is used to manage your money. You can transfer various benefits, salary, pension, etc. to it. To get a passbook, you first need to come to Sberbank and fill out the necessary documents.

Step 1
Find out the list of Sberbank branches by calling the toll-free hotline 8-800-555-55-50 or on the official website Before going to the department, do not forget to take your passport with you, in which there must be a stamp on registration at the place of residence (without this, you will not be able to get a savings account). You may need to queue for a long time. According to the results of a survey conducted by the administrators of the official website of Sberbank, it turned out that people do not like to go to bank branches precisely because of the long queues.
Step 2
During office hours, go to the window of a specialist and tell him that you want to start a savings account. In turn, a bank employee will ask you for what purpose you plan to start a savings account. Don't worry, there will be nothing illegal in this question - a specialist will offer the best banking service based on your answer to the question.
Step 3
You will have to add at least ten rubles to the account of the savings bank (if you want, deposit more, it all depends on your desire and the purpose of creating the account). This is a prerequisite for opening an account. Sberbank will not charge you any commission for maintaining an account.
Step 4
Tell the operator the amount of the minimum contribution you want to make. Some branches have cash desks, but in most cases the operator takes the money from you and credits it to your account. You will see a note about the payment of money in the savings book itself, since all monetary transactions are displayed in it.
Step 5
If you want to open a savings account for social payments, take the bank details from a bank employee for these purposes. Your account number will be indicated on the cover page of your passbook.
Step 6
You may also need a passbook to receive refundable taxes. That is why it is important to inform the branch operator of the actual purpose of opening an account.