How To Improve The Quality Of Services

How To Improve The Quality Of Services
How To Improve The Quality Of Services

Table of contents:


A rude seller, a poorly washed car, a spoiled haircut: such trifles can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Customer complaints and dissatisfaction are a major factor in the loss of your company's reputation. That is why improving the quality of services should become one of the key business objectives.

How to improve the quality of services
How to improve the quality of services


Step 1

Create clear job descriptions for service personnel. Write down the order of communication with clients, a set of standard phrases. Even if most of the points seem obvious and elementary to you, nevertheless, they need to be explained to junior employees, especially if they have no experience.

Step 2

Provide additional training to your staff on a regular basis. Alternate between different trainings and courses: sales techniques, communication with a client, identifying customer needs, psychological methods of influence. Such training programs should be intensive and short-term. It is useful to use the experience of foreign colleagues by arranging master classes.

Step 3

Try to stay up to date with the new products in the service you are doing. For example, if you run a home renovation company, keep an eye on innovations, interesting materials and trendy finishing technologies.

Step 4

Train staff to be interested in customer needs and wants. The purpose of the initial contact is not an offer of an existing product or service, but the most detailed study of the wishes of the visitor.

Step 5

Achieve perfect order in your establishment. This is especially true in areas where hygiene and cleanliness are key factors, such as cosmetic services. Wet wipes, white towels, containers with antibacterial hand cleaner - all these details will create a favorable impression on the most demanding customers.

Step 6

Introduce related services that can create a good mood. Free delivery of customers to the store, hot drinks at the expense of the institution, magazines and souvenirs as a gift … The list of such "bonuses" depends only on your imagination.

Step 7

Introduce a post-purchase service system. Ask for the opinion of customers on the service provided, ask for recommendations, and immediately eliminate any errors.
