Everyone at least once in his life thought about creating his own business in order to have a good income. But what exactly to do? In this article, we will tell you how to open a lingerie store on your own. Why exactly such a store? It does not require a large initial capital, to open it you will need about 600 thousand rubles, this product does not deteriorate and does not become obsolete, moreover, it is lightweight, which is not unimportant during its transportation. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to open a lingerie store, and what is needed for this.

Step 1
Explore the lingerie market. Find out what kind of underwear competitors are selling and at what price. What are the largest lingerie stores in your city. Try to find out how much they mark up.
Step 2
Decide on the trade equipment. It will not require large financial investments. Most likely, you will need a glass showcase (about 17 thousand rubles), panels (16 thousand rubles), fitting rooms (about 10 thousand rubles), hangers, hangers and mannequins, which will take about 10 thousand rubles. You will definitely need a cash register, which, together with registration, will cost about 20 thousand rubles.
Step 3
Think over the assortment of goods. Which category of consumers will be your main customer? Will it be a youth lingerie store, or the age category will not be limited in any way. Also decide which company underwear you will buy. It is recommended to start selling with brands such as: Comet, Papillon, Lormar. Consider if your store will have custom sizes (large and small).
Step 4
Solve the issue with the markup that you will make on the product.
Step 5
Start looking for premises for your store. It is better that he is located in the city center in a crowded place. You can try to open a shop near a metro station or in an underpass. Unfortunately, it will not work to open a store in a large shopping center, since for this you need to be the owner of a whole network of lingerie stores. The rent for the premises will cost you about 50 thousand rubles a month. But often the fee is charged for several months in advance, take this into account in your expenses.
Step 6
Complete the documents you need to open a store:
- Register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
- Sign a lease agreement.
- With a lease agreement, purchase a cash register and register it with the tax office (4-5 days).
Thus, opening a small lingerie store is a good starting point for a startup business. Good luck!