In order for your online lingerie store to bring tangible profits, you need to take care of this even when organizing this business and do not forget that any site requires considerable initial investment.

Step 1
Decide right away whether you will focus on the quality of the product that you are going to sell with the help of your online store or whether you will rely on the constant expansion of the assortment. This will determine, firstly, the pricing policy of the store and the composition of the client audience, and secondly, the amount of funds that you will have to invest in your business. Of course, you can buy high quality underwear in large quantities, but then you will have to work for a long time at a loss, which will require additional investment.
Step 2
Study the principles of competitors in order to finally choose your strategy Of course, you will never know how many units of goods a particular online store actually sells and whether it is engaged in sales at all. However, if, for example, you watch for some time how often the catalog of goods is updated, you can roughly imagine what is in greatest demand among customers and how to organize an advertising campaign on the site.
Step 3
Since the sale of lingerie largely depends on the fashion factor, find out what are the style trends in the upcoming season, so that, before placing an order for the supply of goods to your store, you can understand what will really be popular with customers in the very near future.
Step 4
Decide whether you will first order goods from suppliers (usually Chinese, Polish or Italian manufacturers), and then deal with its implementation, or first, using the catalogs of these companies, draw up your own and only then form an application for the goods. In the first case, you will need to rent a small warehouse for storing the goods, in the second, you will need to constantly monitor that the chain "customer-order-purchase order-supply" is not interrupted, and the lead time is optimal (ideally, no more 2 weeks).
Step 5
You can find suppliers on the Internet or directly in the country where you plan to constantly purchase goods. Conclude contracts only with trusted manufacturers or intermediaries, for which you can read the reviews about their work on trade forums.
Step 6
The most important thing when opening any store is the correct design of its window. Therefore, do not spare money for the design and promotion of the site. If possible, hire professional photographers and models to work on the site.