Are you planning to open a lingerie store? At the very first stage, come up with an interesting name for it. A good name will help you choose the design and assortment of the future boutique.

Step 1
The process of choosing a good name for a store can take a lot of time. Brainstorm with partners or family members. Write out all the interesting names in a separate notebook. Check out the ones that you particularly like. Keep this list always at hand - an interesting idea may come to mind at the most unexpected moment.
Step 2
Women's names (Maria, Anna, Margarita), names of flowers (lily, orchid, mimosa), just nice words (whim, illusion, silhouette) are often used for the names of lingerie stores. However, all these names do not carry any semantic meaning - they can be worn by perfumery stores, women's clothing stores, beauty salons and other institutions that are not related to lingerie. If you want to write something similar on the sign, think over more original phrases - for example, "Night violet" or "Lily of the valleys".
Step 3
If you plan to sell exclusively women's assortment, consider names like "Bachelorette Party", "Ladies 'Caprice", "Ladies' Tricks" or "Women's Secrets". The interior of the store under such a sign should be designed in warm colors, and the assortment can include many additional accessories such as sachets, perfumes and other cute little things. The boutique called "Ladies' Confectionery", "Kuzina" or "Boudoir" can be decorated in a retro style - dark wood, colored wallpaper on the walls, massive antique counters.
Step 4
It is not a bad idea to play up the materials used for making the linen or the names of the toilet items in the name. Listen carefully to the sound of the word and associate it with the product you plan to sell. For example, a boutique "Lace" or "Lace" hints that they offer elegant fancy lingerie. The “Silk and Velvet” store can sell expensive home clothes, and the “Pajamas” department sells cotton day and nightwear.
Step 5
Be careful with erotic and sexual overtones. "Salon Kitty", "Emmanuelle", "Magdalene", "Empire of Passion" - these names are popular with men, but in lingerie salons, male buyers are a minority. If you offer a classic assortment, look for a name without unnecessary associations.
Step 6
The name should sound soft, feminine. Choosing it, pay attention to the words that include the letters "w", "g", "m", "l". Avoid the abundance of growling sounds, letters "y", "h", "z" - they sound too harsh and look ugly on the sign.
Step 7
For a ladies' store, humorous names like "Trussar" or "Salon pantalon" are not suitable. Not a very good idea - inscriptions in foreign languages and a combination of Cyrillic and Latin in one word. Refrain from distorted words like "Azhur", "Capri" or "Beltual" - they look too pretentious and old-fashioned.
Step 8
The choice of the future name depends on what product you plan to sell and, of course, on the target audience. Imagine a future client. How old is she? Where does she work or study? Where does he dress, what colors does he prefer? By answering these questions, you will draw a rough portrait of the average customer. When evaluating the future name, be guided precisely by its taste. Women who prefer the names "Cutie" or "Vorozheya" are unlikely to be regular customers of the "Thin Matter" or "Transparent Hint" salon.