Office work - work with documents and documentation support for management in this particular organization, regulated by GOST R 51141-98 "Office work and archival business. Terms and Definitions". Organization of office work is the organization of registration, storage and use of incoming, outgoing and internal documents in the current activities of the enterprise.

Step 1
When organizing office work, decide whether your enterprise, organization, geographically remote divisions or branches, take this fact into account and provide a mechanism for interaction with these divisions. The system of office work in them must be identical with the head office in order to avoid problems during registration and paperwork.
Step 2
Think about which of the existing forms of office work you will use: centralized, mixed or decentralized. Their choice is determined by the structure of the enterprise (whether it has geographically remote subdivisions) and the technical equipment of the office management service. If this service is small and not technically provided, then part of its functions is transferred to subdivisions. In this case, mixed office work takes place. In the event that this service is equipped with all the necessary personnel, hardware and software, then this form of record keeping will be centralized.
Step 3
In each structural unit, allocate a special staffing unit that will carry out office work. If this is not possible, then appoint another employee who will combine the performance of his main job duties with the function of a clerk.
Step 4
Determine the number and nomenclature of cases, which will include all incoming, outgoing and internal documents. If these are documents from a higher (parent) organization, then they are submitted to the head for consideration; documents of subordinate organizations should be submitted for consideration to the deputy head in charge of work with them. Accordingly, citizens' appeals are directed to the deputy who is entrusted with the responsibility to work with the population.
Step 5
Having identified the circle of correspondents, create a classifier by which you can immediately determine which correspondent group this document belongs to. For example, for government agencies, assign code 01, for letters from a higher organization - code 02, for suppliers - code 03, for customers - code 04, etc. This will help streamline the flow of documents within the organization.
Step 6
Determine in what form the document circulation will be carried out - in a magazine or card. Both forms are implemented in special programs for electronic document management. If you still cannot purchase such a program, use electronic document registration journals, they can be drawn up in Excel.