To promote the company's products on the market, create and strengthen the company's image, it is necessary to successfully interact with the press. Therefore, many companies are staffed with specialists responsible for organizing work with the media. In the arsenal of their work there are many technologies that allow them to successfully solve specific communication problems.

Step 1
Do not be discouraged if you work in the PR department of a little-known company and you have to promote it from scratch. A competent organization of a PR company will bring not only monetary benefits, but also moral satisfaction from interesting work. Choose a specific format of events for the press: press briefing, round table, press conference, press lunch, press tour, internet press conference, "open doors" days, etc.

Step 2
If a company is launching a large facility, has made a good deal, or there is a need for prompt coverage of a crisis situation, then a press briefing can be a press event. Run it according to a specific scenario: 1-2 company representatives give reports to invited journalists, make a short statement and answer questions.
Step 3
Organize a "round table" for the presentation of a project, development or research that is interesting not only for a narrow circle of people. Invite analysts, independent experts, partners. The round table format presupposes free communication on a socially significant topic. Journalists will prepare review materials, thereby increasing the expert status of your company.
Step 4
Hold a press conference if you need to present a large amount of information. In the hall there are strictly places for the presidium with speakers and, on the contrary, for journalists. Typically, a press conference lasts 50-60 minutes. Specialists of different levels speak for half an hour, followed by questions and answers. The moderator adjusts the course of this event.
Step 5
Allow reporters to informally ask questions of company representatives by inviting them to a press lunch. An equilateral discussion of various issues related to the company takes place during breakfast or lunch. A series of mini-interviews can be organized for the press during this event.
Step 6
Get a wider reach of the participants in the discussion of the topic by organizing an online press conference. As a result, it is possible to find out the interest in the company of different social strata, in different regions. Prepare a list of questions in advance. In order for the speaker to address “living” people, journalists may be present in the hall. Organization of a PR company in this format involves the selection of issues and control of their flow.
Step 7
Organization of work with the media includes holding press tours - travel of journalists at the expense of the company to its facilities. The advantage of this format is a personal acquaintance in an informal setting, a photo session, and the release of full-fledged materials. True, only rich companies can afford it.
Step 8
Organization of a PR company in order to get acquainted with production, business processes, the level of equipment and the style of work of the company provides for holding "open doors" days. For several days (up to a week), a trained person meets visitors and journalists, conducts excursions, and answers questions. This is another press event designed to build loyalty from journalists to the company.
Step 9
The prosperity and success of the company will depend on how the journalists convey the ideas of the company to the masses. Do not skimp on funds for organizing work with the media, be friends with journalists!