The legislation defines a foundation as a non-profit organization established by citizens and (or) legal entities for voluntary property or monetary contributions for social, cultural, charitable and other socially useful purposes. Establishing a foundation is not difficult in itself, but organizing its work will require significant effort.

Step 1
First of all, choose the direction of activity and the goals for which the fund is organized. This can be a charitable foundation to help sick children, a foundation to support young artists or musicians, large families, Afghan warriors, the preservation of endangered species of plants and animals, etc., depending on who or what you are trying to help. In addition, you can organize a non-state pension or investment fund, a scientific or business support fund - there are many options.
Step 2
Register the fund with government agencies. The list of required documents is small: - application for registration of the foundation; - constituent documents in 3 copies; - decision of the founders to create a foundation and approval of constituent documents; - information about the participants; - document confirming the payment of the state registration fee; - permanent information about the address of the current body. In any case, be sure to familiarize yourself with the relevant clauses of the Law "On Non-Profit Organizations".
Step 3
Open a bank account for transferring donations and spending them for the purposes of the foundation. In addition, create an electronic wallet, for example, WebMoney or Yandex. Money, so that you can deposit money through payment terminals or mobile shops.
Step 4
Rent premises for the fund, install the necessary communications - telephone, internet. Organize jobs, hire staff. Fund employees can work both for remuneration and on a voluntary basis - at your discretion and depending on the purposes for which the fund was created. Keep in mind that entrepreneurs who provide assistance to socially oriented organizations are guaranteed various tax benefits, so you may be accommodated in terms of the cost of rent or equipping an office with furniture and office equipment.
Step 5
For the successful operation of the fund, competent advertising is necessary. Contact various media, post information on the Internet. The ideal option is to create your own website, which would publish specific problems that the foundation deals with, reports on activities and successes achieved, details and contacts. But the site is quite costly, so you can start by registering groups dedicated to the fund in social networks.
Step 6
Ask for help in organizing a fund from deputies, entrepreneurs or other famous people in your city. Perhaps one of them will want to become a participant (a big name will only benefit the foundation), help in solving organizational issues, or make a monetary donation.