Real estate business is a fairly common type of entrepreneurial activity. Mediation in the purchase and sale of houses and apartments brings a good income if the work of a real estate agency is organized correctly. Everything matters here: from the location of the company's office to the selection of personnel and the size of the client base.

Step 1
The location of the office for a real estate agency is of utmost importance. Rent or buy a premise that will be conveniently located in the city center, on the ground floor, next to a public transport stop. Consider placing the agency's name and logo on the facade of the building. There must be sufficient parking space nearby. It will be good if it will be possible to place advertisements with photographs of real estate objects for sale on the front windows of the office.
Step 2
The internal premises of the office should be spacious enough so that the workplaces of realtors are comfortable and allow clients to sit comfortably. Allocate separate areas for the legal department and the director's office, design a separate meeting room and provide a back room for staff to have a snack and a cup of coffee.
Step 3
When recruiting employees, look beyond work experience. The main thing is a positive positive attitude, honesty, healthy ambition and dedication. The specificity of the work is such that often the success depends on the human qualities of the realtor. Sometimes experience is even a hindrance, because it is easier to train an employee from scratch than to retrain someone whose established customer service methods do not suit you.
Step 4
It is impossible to organize the work of a real estate agency without creating your own client base. At the beginning of your business, you can contact other realtors and sell their properties, splitting the commission. Study ads in newspapers and on city Internet sites, offer your services. Post your ads on forums and social networks. Ask your friends and acquaintances to recommend your company to those who may need real estate services. Arrange your company presentations or set up counseling centers where there is a large crowd of people - in places of mass celebrations, in city parks on weekends, in shopping centers.