Despite the growing competition in trade, entrepreneurs often pay special attention to this line of business. A trade tent requires less investment and attention than a large store, pays off faster, is more mobile and also has many other advantages.

It is necessary
- - trade tent;
- - site;
- - foundation or blocks for installation.
Step 1
To become a happy owner of a stall, you need to obtain registration documents from the tax authority. As a rule, for trade, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, but if you wish or need, you can open a legal entity. The most suitable taxation system for trade is the so-called imputation. When the imputed income tax is paid to the treasury, the payment is made in equal payments depending on the retail space, so there is no need to install a cash register and keep an accountant on staff.
Step 2
Find a site to set up a stall. Find a place where your product will be in the greatest demand. It is best to place a tent in the center of the city on a walk-through street; a convenient approach and access should be provided to it. The site can be purchased or rented by an individual, organization or city administration.
Step 3
The surface for installing the shopping pavilion must be flat. For this, an asphalt or paved area is perfect.
Step 4
If your stall has the ability to move from place to place, and it is not intended to be installed on a foundation, then make sure that it stands at some distance from the ground. Concrete blocks are perfect for this. For a small pavilion, two or three pieces will be enough. The tent must be level. If it stands unevenly on the blocks, it is necessary to put any dense building material on one of them.
Step 5
Connect the electricity to the tent. Do not forget to obtain special permission from the installation of the meter.
Step 6
It should always be dry and clean near the display window of the tent. Therefore, make a sewage ditch and install a trash can.