One of the simplest types of individual entrepreneurship that allows you to organize a profitable business without special costs is retailing in a tray or in a kiosk. However, it is necessary to take into account the pronounced seasonality of the Russian climate and adapt the assortment to it.

How to choose the right assortment?
A small kiosk located in a good location can bring its owner up to two to three thousand dollars in net profit per month if the assortment is selected correctly. If we are not talking about stalls specializing in something specific, for example, baked goods, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fast food, but about the usual kiosks with a popular grocery set, then the popularity of certain products will be different at different times of the year. On the other hand, some items are in steady demand throughout the year. So, cigarettes, juices, cookies, snacks, chewing gum are always popular. But chilled products, that is, carbonated soft drinks, beer and ice cream in winter, will clearly not be the most popular and relevant product, so it is better to limit their presence on display windows in the cold season. When planning bulk purchases, temporarily abandon those items that are unlikely to be sold quickly enough. Since the profit of the kiosk is directly related to the turnover, your task is to find those goods, the demand for which not only does not decrease in winter, but, on the contrary, increases.
A set of 500-600 items is considered an acceptable assortment for an ordinary stall, since it is difficult to place a larger number on a display case.
Sources of additional income in winter
If your kiosk is located in the relative city center, then in addition to the all-season assortment, you can add heated pastries and hot drinks. This will not require unnecessary costs, since you can literally buy a microwave oven and a thermos kettle for a penny. Imagine how many people dream of getting warm while waiting for transport at the bus stop - these are your potential customers who are easily attracted by the smell of hot baked goods and coffee. In addition, you can offer simple take-away meals such as dumplings or dumplings. However, it is necessary to monitor the quality of products so as not to lose customers.
Keep in mind that some types of goods require a permit. Better to worry about getting it than to conflict with the supervisory authorities.
A glass of hot tea or coffee is good when you need to wait for the bus or have a quick bite to eat on the way to college, but in sleeping areas, as a rule, a slightly different assortment is expected from the stalls. A person returning home from work is not interested in pies and hot drinks. But such people are often interested in buying products for the home, and here the cold season can be at your fingertips. For example, by installing a portable tray with frozen vegetables, fish, semi-finished products, you can significantly increase the turnover, especially if you closely monitor the shelf life of products. At the same time, you do not need to buy special freezing equipment - winter will do everything for you.