On February 15, 2013, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of machinery and equipment" came into force, which, in St. the queue canceled the action of the Russian technical regulations of a similar scope. In this connection, the certification procedure has changed radically.

It is necessary
- 1. Safety rationale
- 2. Specifications or other design documentation
- 3. Operational documents: passport, manual
- 4. Standards to which the products comply
- 5. Contract or shipping documents (in the case of a batch or a single item)
- 6. Certificate of quality management system (if any)
- 7. Information on available tests and studies
- 8. Test reports
- 9. Certificates of conformity
- 10. Product samples
- 11. A complete set of documents (copies) for the applicant (manufacturer): INN, PSRN, Charter, etc.
Step 1
Prepare a set of documents specified in the "You will need" section. Before submitting the "Application for certification", it is necessary to transfer a set of documents to the certification body - the expert will consider it and, if necessary, request additional information.
Step 2
Coordination of the scope and price of certification work. It is best at this stage to receive from the certification body a "layout" in terms of cost and scope of work, so that there are no pitfalls when concluding a contract and paying for work.
Step 3
Applying for certification. At this stage, it is necessary to fill out an application, which indicates information about the applicant, manufacturer, products and the selected certification (declaration) scheme. In the technical regulations "OBMiO" several declaration schemes are indicated: Scheme 1d for mass-produced machines, Scheme 2d for a batch of cars, Scheme 3d for serially produced machines, Scheme 4d for a batch of machines, Scheme 5d is used for machines at hazardous production facilities, Scheme 6d for serially produced machines; certification: Scheme 1c for mass-produced machines, scheme 3c for a batch of cars, scheme 9c for a batch of cars.
Step 4
Signing contracts and payment for work. Usually, at this stage, the parties finally agree on the scope and cost of the work, sign the contract and the applicant pays for the work in accordance with the contractual obligations.
Step 5
Referral to the laboratory. Selection of product samples for testing. If the provided evidence base is not enough to confirm compliance, the certification body sends it to the testing laboratory for certification tests. If you have a batch of products or mass production, the certification body will choose which products need to be tested.
Step 6
Testing. The testing laboratory conducts certification tests of products. The test results are passed on to the certification body.
Step 7
Analysis of the state of production, analysis of documentation. The certification body analyzes the state of production and analyzes the documentation and test reports. Based on the work performed, the expert makes a reasonable conclusion about the compliance of the product with safety requirements and informs the applicant about the need (or no need) to carry out inspection control over the applicant's activities during the validity of the certificate (in the case of a certificate for serial production).
Step 8
Obtaining a Certificate. Signing of the final contractual documents.