When Was "defective Money" Released In Russia?

When Was "defective Money" Released In Russia?
When Was "defective Money" Released In Russia?

All the money available in Russia today, be it coins, bills and other means that come to mind, such as, for example, plastic payment cards and other types of electronic payments, are considered defective. Rubles and kopecks received this amazing characteristic thanks to their denomination.

When were released in Russia
When were released in Russia

Compared to precious metals, from which rubles, dear to the human heart, were previously minted, modern money has a much lower value than goods that can be acquired through a kind of exchange, and when they are withdrawn from circulation, they will completely lose any value except collection. Only being in continuous movement, or running, does the inferior money receive its price, while not in any way correlating with the price of the material used in their release.

Exclusive illiquid

The Russian government, by force of power, essentially introduced inferior money into circulation, making it absolutely legal and completely appropriating for itself the exclusive right to issue and manage money. It happened after the February revolution, when banknotes, backed by the tsarist gold, were replaced by denominations. Since then, both the Soviet Union and Russia have lived and live with money that has only a conventional value.

By the way, unsecured money prevails in the world today. Perhaps only China can boast of full-fledged banknotes, though only partially.

Today there is a clear gradation of what type of money can be equated to. So, to the full, antipodes of inferior money, it is customary to include bars and coins issued from pure gold or silver, as well as some precious stones. Defective money includes paper rubles, coins, bills, and surrogates of money, these are bills of exchange, checks and electronic funds.

Pragmatics and Practice

The need to put inadequate money in Russia, along with other countries of the world, was due to purely practical factors, because coins made of valuable metals, which, due to their physical properties, acquired the character of running ones, were worn out over time and became unusable, this was done by himself the process of making money is extremely costly, and in the end it became the reason that all kinds of impurities began to be added to the composition of the primary metals used.

Among other things, the bimetallic system, characterized by the presence in the country's turnover of several metals at once used for minting coins, for example, gold and silver, led to all sorts of disagreements in the definition of the concept of the value of a commodity and forced to set several prices for a commodity simultaneously, for gold and for silver. coins separately.

Small coins made of precious metals were difficult and extremely costly to mint.

However, the first attempts of Tsarist Russia to introduce copper as the main material for the production of money were unsuccessful and led to the events known as the "copper revolt".

The development of the country's economy and the constantly growing need of the industrial sector for precious metals has led to a natural process of putting into circulation defective money, today it is no longer just copper, aluminum and nickel coins, it is banknotes and even invisible, electronic money.
