Not all shop owners think about the fact that the choice of the name should be approached with the utmost seriousness. Although it is often the name that attracts buyers and, accordingly, increases the profits of the owners. How to choose the right name?

Step 1
Create a store name - the initial stage of brand development. Do a good job of researching potential customers first. Will they be young people or adult men? Keep in mind that all of them will be united by good taste, self-confidence, high self-esteem and a desire to stand out in society.
Step 2
Collect as much information as possible about your competitors. Decide whether your name should continue a number of names of already existing men's clothing stores, or, on the contrary, radically differ from them, standing out and remembered by the customer.
Step 3
Adapt to your target audience. If the clients are young, choose a more modern name, if older, then something classic.
Step 4
Start searching for a keyword. It can be found in both Russian and foreign dictionaries. Be sure to look at the translation of the word so as not to get into an awkward position. Also, the names of both real people and those that your imagination will tell you are suitable. Place names can be used.
Step 5
If nothing fits, then come up with your own new word. Consider the phonetics of the word. Check what the name is associated with, does it sound nice? It is desirable that the accent be clear, without variations. Now try to embed the name into everyday speech, for example, "shopping at".
Step 6
Choose a name that meets all the requirements: it is easy to remember, pronounced in one breath, and sounds beautiful. The name should be unlike anything, i.e. associate specifically with a men's clothing store, and not with shoes or eau de toilette, or in general with household appliances.
Step 7
Also, the name should reflect the essence of the store. If the name is perfect, then it can easily promote the store. Importantly, don't choose a name just because you like the word itself. There are a lot of examples of such mistakes when the buyer does not remember exactly where he met this word.