The main rule that many owners of clothing stores for men follow is to attract customers with something extravagant, and then offer them a number of more or less standard products that they will buy just so as not to go to the store a second time. So, for example, a yellow tuxedo in a shop window will allow you to get a lot of customers who just come in to inquire, and leave the store, buying themselves not at all, but a couple of new shirts.

It is necessary
- - premises in the business district of the city;
- - Designed by professionals and design elements of the store;
- - a set of high-quality commercial equipment;
- - business relations with a number of wholesale clothing suppliers;
- - several trained sales consultants.
Step 1
Choose a store location with a good idea of potential buyers. Naturally, the point of sale of business clothes for men should be located in the city center or at least on a street central to any particular area or residential area. The best advertisement for a men's clothing store will be its design and appearance, and not advertisements in newspapers, therefore, those who pass by the building that you have chosen for your enterprise should first of all be interested in your product.
Step 2
Create a design concept for your future store in collaboration with professional designers. For a boutique of men's clothing, it is, of course, not the catchy design of the signboard and commercial equipment that is important, but the most effective presentation of the goods, consistent with the class of products. According to experts, it is best to give preference to wood - an ideal backdrop for men's suits. It is also important to create moderately bright, but soft lighting in the store.
Step 3
Think over the assortment policy of your future store, the procedure for working with suppliers and inventory balances. Sales of premium men's clothing (suits, shirts, ties) are not strongly influenced by seasonality, however, it is still better to associate the acquisition of new collections with the beginning and end of one or the other season. It is also especially important to correctly display the goods in the sales area - in order to find the optimal distribution schemes for the goods, it is advisable even to involve a professional merchandiser.
Step 4
Select as carefully as possible sales consultants for your future store, preferably by organizing preliminary training. The requirements in elite clothing stores for sales personnel should be categorically high - sellers need to be careful, at the same time unobtrusive, and know absolutely everything about the product. Applicants must have experience in clothing stores, although sometimes old habits can interfere with their work - each applicant will need to be interviewed individually.