The design of the bar entirely depends on the chosen concept, which, like the business plan, must be drawn up at the stage of the project launch. The concept must reflect the rationale for the name, design, pricing policy, assortment of the bar and ways of promoting it. Preferably, with test results, for example, obtained during focus groups.

It is necessary
- - concept;
- - premises;
- - design project.
Step 1
Develop a bar concept. You can do this yourself or by contacting a consulting company specializing in the provision of services to catering establishments. Typically, the concept is a maximally expanded brand book, which reflects the marketing part of the project: from the choice of the target audience for which the bar is designed, to the assortment of drinks and dishes served in it. The concept also reflects the main ideas of design, personnel uniforms, the design of folders (wine list, bar list, menu folder, etc.) and printing products.
Step 2
Invite designers to develop a design project. The concept, which is essentially a business concept for the future business, can become a specific technical task for designers. By the way, it makes sense not to limit yourself to one or two design studios, but to arrange a tender. The specificity of this method of choosing performers is that by a certain day a certain number of companies provide you with sketches, and you can choose the one that you like best. Usually, design studios invited to the tender are informed about the number of participants, otherwise there is a risk of all sorts of misunderstandings.
Step 3
Choose a bar design style that is understandable and adequate to your target audience. If the institution is "addressed" to young people under 30, you should not choose a solid time-tested classics that are more suitable for older people. For a bar aimed at respectable businessmen, the interior is usually not made in a frivolous or even outrageous spirit.
Step 4
Look for natural building materials to use in your interior. Plastic and others like it are appropriate only if the concept allows them. An establishment that claims to be a style must be properly decorated. Only then will you be able to "hook" the guests, turning random visitors into regulars at the bar.