The company logo is a conventional image of an idea in a drawing that carries a certain meaning. It serves as the most important component of the corporate identity and can significantly raise the company's image. We all know the famous emblems: a bitten Apple apple, a Nike boomerang, 4 Windows squares, etc.

Step 1
The development of an emblem is a painstaking process. The design of a logo for an international student cafe INTERN CAFE, for example, might look like this. Come up with a company motto. The emblem is, in fact, a graphic representation of the motto. In our case - "IC - we erase the boundaries!". Our cafe aims to organize the joint leisure of university students, to establish communication between Russian and foreign students. This motto emphasizes the unifying focus of our cafe, the equality of students from all countries.
Step 2
Decide on the shape. Remember, the logo needs to be well understood and memorable. Don't use too many shapes overlaid on top of each other. The most suitable shape for our logo would be a circle, or rather a globe. The earth symbolizes peace, community, equality. This is the meaning we put into this symbol. The "belt" of our globe will be stylized little men who will hold hands.
Step 3
Choose a color. Try to avoid multicolor as it makes it difficult to perceive. We will choose a gentle blue color for the globe. Blue is a calm color that evokes only positive emotions.
Step 4
Make your logo stylish. Resist the urge to make your logo look super modern, as it will quickly become obsolete. Don't chase after fashion, otherwise you just have to constantly update it. The best option is simple and tasteful. Find your style in simple shapes and colors.
Step 5
Uniqueness. The question of uniqueness is rather delicate. There is a tendency in the business world to borrow some design elements from other companies. Do not fall for this trend, strive to find your personality. This will help you stand out from your competitors.
Step 6
Attractiveness. Your logo should grab the attention of your potential customers. It is very important to test the design of your future logo and get the opinion of future customers. Find out how it makes them feel.
Step 7
Creativity. The logo should be as simple as possible, but have its own flavor, perhaps one that will be understandable only to your potential client.