Quite often, people with various medical conditions require urgent medical attention, but this procedure can be expensive. In such a situation, you can get financial assistance from the state in the form of a quota.

It is necessary
- - the results of the treatment;
- - results of clinical analyzes;
- - written statement;
- - copies of the passport, medical policy and pension insurance policy.
Step 1
Check out the list of diseases for the treatment of which the state provides a quota, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. If your disease is on the list, you should go to the clinic or hospital in your place of residence and be examined by a general practitioner or highly specialized doctor. Doctors will study the results of your tests and medical history, after which they will make a decision on sending the necessary documents to the health authority of the given constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In addition to the data on the analyzes and the treatment performed, you need to write a written application for a quota (in free form) by the patient himself, attach copies of the passport (birth certificates for children), the compulsory medical insurance policy and the pension insurance policy.
Step 2
Wait for your documents to be reviewed by a commission at the regional health authority. After that, they will be sent to the chief regional specialist for your disease, who will draw up a conclusion about the medical care required by the patient. After that, the commission will hold a meeting, review your medical history and the conclusion of a specialist. In case of a positive decision on the granting of a quota, a medical institution will be selected in which you will be provided with the necessary assistance. In this case, the institution can be both regional and federal level. Your documents will also be sent there.
Step 3
Report to the designated facility immediately after receiving notification from the hospitalization committee. Take with you the originals of all documents, including the results of medical examinations. Sign an agreement to receive assistance based on a government quota. After that, the specialists will begin your treatment. Remember that you are not allowed to leave the medical facility before all procedures are completed.