How To Get A Fish Catch Quota

How To Get A Fish Catch Quota
How To Get A Fish Catch Quota

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Fishing on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in strict accordance with the distribution of the shares of catch quotas. To participate in the distribution of shares, you must submit an application to the territorial body of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

How to get a fish catch quota
How to get a fish catch quota

It is necessary

  • - documents for a fishery enterprise;
  • - certificate of entry into the register of legal entities (individual entrepreneurs);
  • - certificates of absence of tax arrears.


Step 1

Every year, it is scientifically determined how much fish can be caught without causing damage to the population, which is the basis for a catch quota, which is divided into shares between fishing companies. The latest changes in the rules for obtaining quotas provide that now the catch quotas will be divided by 10 years, which should contribute to the inflow of investments in the construction and modernization of ships, as well as in the development of the processing industry on the shore, creating additional jobs in the coastal regions. In addition, such changes stimulate the interest of businesses in preserving fish populations.

Step 2

To obtain a quota, a fishing company submits an application to the territorial bodies of the Federal Agency for Fisheries indicating the applicant's personal data in it: - for legal entities - name, OPF, location, bank details, TIN, contact phone; - for individual entrepreneurs - personal data (including the data of the identity document), place of residence, bank details, TIN, contact phone number, attaching to it: - for legal entities - copies of constituent documents, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities; - for individual entrepreneurs - an extract from USRIP; - copies of documents on property rights to vessels of the fishing fleet (own or used on a charter basis), a certificate of the vessel's suitability; - a certificate issued by the tax authorities that there is no debt for the applicant to pay to the budgets of all levels.

Step 3

The listed documents are submitted to the Federal Fisheries Agency directly by the applicant or sent by a valuable letter strictly on time. The consideration of the documents submitted by the applicants is carried out within 3 weeks from the time of the deadline for accepting applications, after which the Agency approves the list of applicants who have assigned shares of quotas, and conclude agreements on their consolidation.
