An export quota is an economic indicator that allows you to understand the importance of exports for the economy of a particular state. There is an order in which this coefficient is calculated.

Step 1
Find out the volume of the country's exports, that is, the value of all goods sold to other states. Usually this indicator is calculated for a year. You can choose the currency in which the calculations will be carried out. For example, if you are going to compare the economic indicators of different countries, then the expression of numbers in dollars or in euros will suit you.
Step 2
Check the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country for which you are calculating. This indicator reflects the total value of goods and services produced in the country. At the same time, material values made in the country at the expense of the capacities of transnational companies are also taken into account. In this ratio, it is not the national source of capital that is important, but the place where the goods were produced. GDP is calculated monthly and annually, after which it is published in various economic publications and on the official websites of government agencies. For example, such information is regularly posted on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development - For calculations, you should use the total GDP for the year.
Step 3
Calculate the export quota based on the figures obtained. Divide the volume of exports by the annual GDP, and then multiply that number by 100. You will get the export quota expressed as a percentage.
Step 4
Use the resulting figure for economic calculations. Please note that the export quota demonstrates not so much the level of competitiveness of products produced by the state, as the degree of its connection with the world market. At the same time, if the domestic market of the country is very developed, and the bulk of the produced is consumed independently, the export quota will be low. For example, this situation is developing in the United States - the most developed economy in the world. Therefore, in a comprehensive economic analysis, use not one but several economic indicators.